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Default settings for all users and emails
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O.P. Default settings for all users and emails
I am wondering how can I make encryption of logged messages the default befaviour for all users and email accounts of my XP PC. I mean any new email that is entered in messnger will have the same settings .
07-19-2007 01:00 AM
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RE: Default settings for all users and emails
As far as I know you can't, the MsgPlus wizard appears the first time any user logs in.
I don't know why you need to do this though, most people only log into messenger with one email...
07-19-2007 06:28 AM
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RE: Default settings for all users and emails
Originally posted by brokenlove
I am wondering how can I make encryption of logged messages the default befaviour for all users and email accounts of my XP PC. I mean any new email that is entered in messnger will have the same settings .

From registry you must add some keys. I don't have MessengerPlus! here so I can only guide to you how to do it.
  1. Open your registry (Start>Run>type "regedit" and press Enter)
  2. Browse it: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\DefaultSettings\Preferences
  3. Under this key you must add necessary values.

You can specify which keys are needed as such: Sign-in with a new Windows Live ID and set all the settings which you want to generalize to all future accounts via Messenger Plus! preferences. Don't make any other changes because more changes mean more keys under registry and you may have difficulties while detecting suitable keys for chat logging and chat encyrpting. Did you do these? OK, now, go to registry again and find that email address under ...Messenger Plus! Live\email address, and detect what keys exist under its Preferences key on the registry. You can then copy them to DefaultSettings\Preferences. So all future addresses will have those settings by default. (I think you can understand which settings are related to chat logs and logs encryption by the value names. Yet if you have difficulties ask for help, and I will help you further by browsing my registry as soon as I go back to home)
It seems to me that copying and pasting those keys, especially encryption keys is not as easy as I supposed. Maybe your wish can never be done. But if an experienced one help you how to copy those value's into DefaultSettings, then it may work.

But a reminder to you: To detect which keys are necessary you must firstly signin with a new Windows Live ID and check which keys are generated under Preferences key on registry after you have set the encryption and its password. I suggest you to go "Chat Logs Encryption" page of MsgPlus! Live's Preferences panel directly from the Configuration Wizard's link "Set-up Chat Logs Encryption". And don't go any other tab on the preferences panel because visiting tabs may increase the number of keys under registry.
WDZ, I know you'll again merge this post but I want to write it seperately in order to send new post email notification to brokenlove, so he will be aware of the new post.

brokenlove, I find an easy way to do this. Without directly copying registry keys, you must do these:

You must signin to Windows Live Messenger with a new Windows Live ID.
If you have difficulties at finding new Windows Live IDs anymore :P, I suggest you to firstly export your original address's Messenger Plus! Live preferences to a file and then delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\"Your  Windows Live ID" with all keys under it.
Then signin with your Windows Live ID to Windows Live Messenger again and wait Messenger Plus! Live Configuration Wizard to be run automatically. When it is run, Next Next Next... and on "Quick Feature Tour - Page 3/3" click on "Set-up Chat Logs Encryption" and set necessary settings and specify your password there. Press "OK" and then finish Configuration Wizard and then signout from Windows Live Messenger. Now come back to registry. Browse for
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\ (This path will be referred with this icon (*))

Here delete (*)DefaultSettings key

Then rename (*)"Your Windows Live ID" as (*)DefaultSettings

Edit: I forgot an important item here. That is; after or before renaming operation you must delete other keys unrelated to encryption. For example, if you don't change the encryption level (384, 640...) there must exist normally only four keys related to encryption of logs. So you'd better delete other keys because all those other keys under DefaultSettings too are copied to new ID's preferences, which is not our wish.

Then close registry window, and resignin to Windows Live Messenger with your Windows Live ID and import your preferences back and set the encryption for yourself again (because when you import your old preferences, setting may be overwritten) now all future new chat logs of people who sign in on your computer will be encrypted with the password you specified above. I tested it and it works fine here.

Important: This new default settings may interfere with previous people's preferences who signed in before you set all these. Keep it in your mind.

This post was edited on 07-21-2007 at 09:58 PM by ahmetgns.
07-19-2007 09:18 AM
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RE: Default settings for all users and emails
ahmetgns, there are other methods than double/tripple posting to get the attention of someone. But why don't you do some proper testing _first_ before posting stuff and later trying to correct it?

There are also far easier methods to know the registry keys to copy. And methods which do _not_ require people to create otherwise useless accounts over and over again. Ever thought of simply backing up existing registry keys and removing them to see which ones are created (I guess so, since you mention this in one line, so why the hell suggesting to create new accounts? Totally inlogic...) Or even heared of registry monitors? Or maybe, simply asking someone else, or even better let the question be answered by someone who does know what keys are involved and how everything works. Talking about, quote from you:, "useless long posts" :rolleyes:

Let alone, the top poster hasn't even answered or responded yet, maybe wait on that before suggesting and trying (badly) to explain things over 3 posts!

Oh, and, as Volv said, it isn't possible unless you want to set the password for each user the same, with the possible reason for spying maybe. Without a password you can set all the default keys you want, it wont work and it wont be encrypted.

And what's with the Config Wizard again? There are more registry keys/options involved than the ones listed in the wizard. This is just a deja-vu to that other thread, in which all the posts of you are now conveniently removed...

Originally posted by ahmetgns
Important: This new default settings may interfere with previous people's preferences who signed in before you set all these. Keep it in your mind.
No they will not. Stop talking BS.

In short, your post isn't helpfull:
1) either the top poster already knows how to backup/restore registry settings by hand,
2) either he doesnt. But that very most likely also means he doesn't know what exact keys to add (and NO, you will NOT find all the keys by doing what you suggested). So why don't you give a simple list of the involved keys with an explaination of what they do, in 1 post, instead of all that mambo jambo spread over three posts? If you can't, then don't post....

...and please don't bother to reply again with how wrong I am or that I need to do some research, like you did in all other replies.

This post was edited on 07-21-2007 at 10:13 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
07-21-2007 09:58 PM
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O.P. RE: Default settings for all users and emails
I remeber that previus versions of Msgplus had that options . so I thing there is a few clicks solutions other than trying to know registry keys and go deep inside that in many steps that might screw up my Msgplus .
07-23-2007 05:47 PM
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RE: Default settings for all users and emails
I don't remember the old Plus! having an option to encrypt all the logs for any new users.

I'm sorry but appart from editing the registry, you can't create default desttings for users. I'll see if I can do something about this in future versions of Plus!.
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08-02-2007 05:44 PM
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