I was creating a script with the purpose of auto-blocking any contacts that go offline, and unblock them when they come online.
I created this script successfully, tested it, and it works, but after some time things start to get messed up, people appearing offline when in fact they are online and vice-versa. (re-logging will make things go back to normal)
Also, I noticed that some sign in/sign out events are not happening (and not even showing in the MsgPlus! Event Listing window), therefore unsynchronizing my script with the actual state of messenger.
Another thing I noticed, is that when a contact is unblocked at start, and then blocked with a script, if after that you right-click the contact, the option "unblock contact" isn't there, instead there's a "block contact" option, and only after you click it, the "ublock contact" will appear
(edit: this only happens sometimes though... couldn't find a way to reproduce this yet)
Is it me doing something wrong or is this actually a bug in MsgPlus?
Thank you for your time.
More info:
MSN version: 8.1.0178.00
Plus! Version:
OS: Windows XP Pro
I block/unblock contacts using the Contact::Blocked property.