I think Patchou doesn't need more people to reply for features to be implemented in Messenger Plus!, and I think he liked your idea and will implement it soon, maybe not in 4.50 but in the other version
Indeed, when I think now that why I never set a message for to be sent in my opened chat windows while locking is because it may send it to people which I don't want. Because sometimes, we may have opened chat windows to send Offline messages, or sometimes I use some commands in windows. And you know bosses appear suddenly most of the time
and we may not have the option to close them first.
And as you mentioned we sometimes don't want to close chat windows after chatting finishes (there is no harm to keep them opened thanks to Tabbed Chats
And instead of a
forced minute delay, I prefer customizable delay
in seconds such as the delay of Personalized Status Auto Message delay (maybe up to 5000 secs
Also we already have the option to change our status to a preset Personalized Status when locking Messenger, and we can write "I locked Messenger, I'll see your message when I unlock it" as an auto message and thus, people can still be aware of the situation at our sides when they wrote something to us even if they didn't receive the message which is sent while locking Messenger, and they won't wait a reply immediately.
I liked the idea very much, I can't stop without writing my opinions
Edit: I have a new idea. The locking message will be sent to contacts if any message was taken from them within the interval before locking. But it won't be sent to
Offline contacts if they signed out (maybe appeared offline) after sending their message. I mean if the time of signing out is after the time of last received message, then that Offline contact won't receive the message. Also by this method, offline people who we opened their chat windows to send an Offline message won't receive the message because there isn't any received message from him/her even if their chat windows are open, and other Offline people will receive the message because they were already appearing Offline while sending their last message to us.
Also the online people won't receive the message if we didn't receive any message from them until locking Messenger.
And unlocking message will be sent to contacts similarly.
The simple principle: we know that our contact is active on the other side and was chatting with us in the last minutes.
Very confusing