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My ideology on Messenger beta testing
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
riahc4, why did you exactly created this thread? I bet it is not because you suddenly, out of the blue, wanted to share what a beta tester should do. There was a reason why you posted this...

Wasn't it because people attacked you, because you posted in many threads asking for script updates, posting in other threads that you were a beta tester and wanted to have the latest <script/skin/whatever> to use it with WLM9?

And so you probably think (righfully or not) that people do not agree with your ideology or find it stupid or whatever.

This can be read in several posts of yours in those other threads, where you constantly refer to your ideology and constantly say that people attack you on it.

So this thread is very clearly a statement about what you think what a beta tester should or shouldn't do, as a reaction and answer to all your negative votes and comments in those other threads lately.

You even basically said all this yourself to begin with:
Originally posted by riahc4
I’m going to make this thread because I’m basically sick and tired of everyone's opinion. And the majority of opinions are like an asshole; everyone’s got one and it stinks.

If you didn't asked constantly for all those updates, people wouldn't have any problem with you either and wouldn't gave all those negative votes. And you wouldn't need to create this thread in the first place.

Hence why my post has got everything todo with this.... and is not one bit off topic...

Originally posted by CookieRevised
that does not mean you should be asking in every scripting thread for an update of the scripts (especially if you didn't even tried the script in question). As it is exactly that what people found extremely annoying, which in the end lead to this thread I think...

This post was edited on 12-17-2007 at 02:30 AM by CookieRevised.
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12-17-2007 01:58 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
While testing in every possible situation does seem like a good way of beta testing, it does make more sense to do that sort of testing in the products final stages of testing.

(someone said that earlier in the thread but i cbf finding out who but whoever it was, good point!(Y))

As for using add-ons with beta products, if you actually care about testing the product thoroughly, and were a die hard fan of the product, you wouldn't use it with things which alter it in any way shape or form.

Otherwise if you wanna use stuff like Plus! with things such as WLM 9 and stuff like that then you shouldn't really be complaining to anyone about issues you find since your the one stupid enough to mix uncomplete and complete in the first place (that said if you also wanna waste time UNINSTALLING those add-ons to prove whether the problem will replicate itself which you may have NO IDEA how to get it doing so they hey - be our guest :))

EDIT: After reading Cookies post (pah he posted that while I was writing mine)

Weeeell he said he was sick of everybodys opinions, so in a way it looks like hes trying to establish the definitive reason WHY or WHAT beta testing is all about, however if that were true the thread title totally contradicts that - it states hes just expressing an opinion. However if that were true theres no reason to call everybody with wild and wacky opinions an asshole or anything.

This post was edited on 12-17-2007 at 02:26 AM by Aardvark.
12-17-2007 02:21 AM
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O.P. RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
Cookie, I created it because Plus! forum members (yes, only on Plus!; Havent recieved this "Attention" in Connect nor other sites I visit) seem to have a problem with testing in all possible enviroments.
Attacked me? I like to call it "catch feelings" but whatever drifts your boat.
Like I said, I could be right or wrong, I just ask for respect. Thats it. Noone should insult anyone over 1s & 0s
The votes? I think people that vote on other people really have no life; Judging people on what they write on a forum is lifewasting. But it does entertain me.
The "Reputation" is IMO a dumb system; Like having more respect for a member with a higher post count.

And now that you said it Cookie I looked at the votes/comments and Im amazed that on threads you cant insult members and in the comments system you can. Didnt know that. But I dont vote on anyone UNLESS its something really positive and meaningful not only to the Plus!/Messenger/etc world but life in general.

While testing in every possible situation does seem like a good way of beta testing, it does make more sense to do that sort of testing in the products final stages of testing.

Well if you feel that way, more power to you and dont let this thread change your point of view if you feel you are doing the correct think beta testing like that. I feel that I should test the product in a REAL enviroment with Plus! and patches that I (and surely others) use on a daily bases.

This post was edited on 12-17-2007 at 02:34 AM by riahc4.
12-17-2007 02:31 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
Well actually this thread gave me a point of view haha my original point of view was do what it takes to get the latest version, and help out with any bugs you find, (more or less of course).

*finishes reading the link Voldemort posted* LMAO SO TRUE!
12-17-2007 02:36 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
Originally posted by riahc4
Cookie, I created it because Plus! forum members (yes, only on Plus!; Havent recieved this "Attention" in Connect nor other sites I visit) seem to have a problem with testing in all possible enviroments.
Nobody (at least those who I know, though I'm sure this goes for everybody) has any problems with you testing in all possible environments, on the contrary!....

Though, they have problems with you spamming every single thread asking for script/skin updates, while bringing your ideology in the picture when people say they are annoyed by it. Or saying the skinning engine is very weak and later asking how it works, just to name something.

Everybody tests how he or she sees fit or what he/she can do. Although some ways are more logic and more usefull than others, there is something to say about each method. But all this has got nothing, absolutely nothing, todo with why people do so negativly about you.

See your negative votes (liking it or not, caring about them or not, they are there and they say something)...

the issue is/was not that you want to beta test, but that you spammed every thread. People not agreeing with your ideology is your excuse, but not the reason for all this negativity towards you.

I'm just stating all this to try to let you see the bigger picture here, of what is a bit wrong at the moment.

This post was edited on 12-17-2007 at 03:13 AM by CookieRevised.
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12-17-2007 02:49 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
lol this really does make me laugh.

Look as most of the other people have outlined already, people arent attacking you because you want to be able to test all conditions or whatever......

Its the fact that you are annoying the hell out of developers and skinners by asking them for updates and saying their stuff ain't good cos they wont accommodate to your needs.

Its kind of like kids in the back of a car constantly going "Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet.... etc "

If you change this attitude and just be patient and wait, then there wouldn't be this issue.

12-17-2007 03:09 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
did some secret beta tester event that i don't know about spawn this thread, or is it really as random and useless as i think?
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12-17-2007 03:21 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
Originally posted by ShawnZ
is it really as random and useless as i think?
riahc4's reply to [Release] Ev0 3
riahc4's reply to [release] Status Icon Version 1.02
riahc4's reply to [Release] FileServer Script v1.1.2
riahc4's reply to [Release] CountDown [Update: Version 3.0.25]
Finish the problem
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12-17-2007 03:54 AM
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RE: My ideology on Messenger beta testing
so its really only useles... :P
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12-17-2007 04:00 AM
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