RE: Visual CAPTCHA Prevents Blind Users from Uninstalling Sponsored Mode Version
My thoughts:
Note that the captcha is not made by Patchou, it is part of the uninstaller made by Circle Development Ltd. So, Patchou can't do anything about this except for repeating the suggestion to his sponsor.
Second: making programs, websites or anything else for that matter, accessable for challenged people DOES cost more time and money and thus often put aside, liking it or not.
That is logic itself actually, already explained by aNILEator. When you make something and it needs to qualify, let's say, 5 rules it would take X amount of hours. When you make the same thing but it must qualify 10 rules, it usually means you need to take more time for it, not only to physically make it, but also to test it against to extra rules, etc...
More specific, making a captcha also with audio requires you to add something more to your product, no matter if there are already existing engines or not; you still need to add the engine and test it with your software. It does cost more time...
Third: the reason that the sponsor is optional and one should read the installer options and thick the option you want, shouldn't be an argument for not providing an accessable uninstaller.
Fourth: Audio captcha can be provided by storing the individual letters and numbers on the net. It shouldn't be stored in the uninstaller, that would be too much. If the online storage option isn't possible, another system should be used (or indeed removed all together).
This post was edited on 12-30-2007 at 06:49 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.