Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Do you even know what font it is, or even if it is actually working?
(10:02 AM) ryxdp: got this
(10:02 AM) ryxdp: NormalRoyale@[StartPanel.UserPane]Font=Franklin Gothic Medium, 14
(10:02 AM) - Pedram - Th3rm: - Pedram - Th3rmal - thanks ryxdp | //Delphinidin
(10:03 AM) ryxdp: do you have that font?
(10:03 AM) - Pedram - Th3rm: wow the font costs $34AUD
(10:04 AM) - Pedram - Th3rm: lemme check
(10:04 AM) ryxdp: you should already have it
(10:04 AM) - Pedram - Th3rm: i do have it
(10:05 AM) - Pedram - Th3rm: so why isnt it showing up...
EDIT: Anyway he's fixed it by restarting his computer