Only thing I am not sure of is do scripts continue to run when there isn't a signed in user? If not this wont work. If so then somethinglike this would work
Javascript code:
var _time = new __time( 12 /* HOUR */, 0 /* MINUTE */, 0 /* SECOND */ );
MsgPlus.AddTimer( '', 500 );
function OnEvent_Timer( sTimerId ) {
if ( _time.check() === true ) Messenger.AutoSignin();
else MsgPlus.AddTimer( sTimerId, 500 );
var __time = function( intHour, intMinute, intSecond ) {
if ( typeof intHour === 'undefined' || typeof intHour = 'string' ) intHour = 0;
if ( typeof intMinute === 'undefined' || typeof intMinute = 'string' ) intMinute = 0;
if ( typeof intSecond === 'undefined' || typeof intSecond = 'string' ) intSecond = 0;
this.iHour = intHour;
this.iMinute = intMinute;
this.iSecond = intSecond;
__time.prototype = {
"_check" : function ( ) {
var d = new Date();
if ( d.getHours() === this.iHour && d.getMinutes() === this.iMinute && d.getSeconds() === this.iSeconds ) return true;
else return false;