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Reviewing translations ?
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O.P. Reviewing translations ?
Hello everybody,
I may seem super dumb :$ and it may seem spamming :$ but despite having hotted the forum's motor search (it means in French that I used so much the search motor that it became hot ; I explained in case it's not obvious for non French mother tongue people), I haven't found any thread about this problem.

The departure point is there.
I have read the translation guidelines to see if I can volunteer to help with translation.
Unfortunately, I can't because even if I have a solid knowledge in French, Italian and English languages, I don't have enough knowledge with computer features :( (I also speak Greek, but not enough neither to translate into this language, nor to correct mistakes in this language).
So it came up a brilliant idea  (BTW, it would be great to add a smiley "lamp") !
Why don't we create a team which involves only correcting members ? This has a double advantage :
1) it permits for beginners in computering but who are really good at languages to help, and even if they speak only their mother tong. So everyone find its count ("chacun trouve son compte" in French, it means everyone is satisfied).

2) Actually, spelling, grammar, style.... mistakes are better seen by people not involved in the translation. So it's a double safety for having good translations. And by the end, it's less work for Patchou to validate the translation (it's only a last check to approve a translation).

However, it needs to have serious correction guidelines to be sure that the final translation is a professional looking one.

It's not an emergency to think about it, but I put these words on the keyboard..... ;)
Giulia ;)
06-21-2009 09:24 PM
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RE: Reviewing translations ?
Originally posted by Giulia
(BTW, it would be great to add a smiley "lamp") !
Just to let you know (I) :P

Hope you get an answer soon (y)
06-21-2009 10:10 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: Reviewing translations ?
Originally posted by robert_dll
Originally posted by Giulia
(BTW, it would be great to add a smiley "lamp") !
Just to let you know (I) :P
How can I be dumb not to see it ? :o

Thank you for your better sigt than mine :)
Giulia ;)
06-21-2009 10:20 PM
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RE: Reviewing translations ?
Originally posted by Giulia
I don't have enough knowledge with computer features
you aren't supposed to have a degree in computer science or similar to translate Plus :P

That requirment only states that the translator has to be familiar with copy/pasting files, editing them, sending/receiving files by email, upload to a FTP server, compressing files... not too much. Actually, I think that the purpose of that statement is to aviod that a translator is unable to do his/her work efficiently due to he/she not being able to work with a computer.
Originally posted by Giulia
Why don't we create a team which involves only correcting members ?
Well, that depends on the language, but there are teams whose members are splited in two "subteams": some of them translate the program and other just review the translation. It's up to each team to organize the best way they think.
Originally posted by Giulia
Actually, spelling, grammar, style.... mistakes are better seen by people not involved in the translation. So it's a double safety for having good translations. And by the end, it's less work for Patchou to validate the translation (it's only a last check to approve a translation).
Patchou does not validate any translation. He can't speak all the languages that Plus is translated in. Actually, errors seen by people who don't belong to a translation team are posted in the forums and the translators read the reports and correct the errors.

In short: if you want to help with the translation of the language X, you can do 2 things: either you contact with the translators of the language X and aask them to join the group so you can participate directly with the translation (either actively translating texts or reviewing them), or you can just configure Plus in the language X and each time you see a mistake, post it in the forum ;)
Messenger Plus! en espaņol:
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06-21-2009 10:42 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: Reviewing translations ?
Hello Choli,
Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by Giulia
I don't have enough knowledge with computer features
you aren't supposed to have a degree in computer science or similar to translate Plus :P

That requirment only states that the translator has to be familiar with copy/pasting files, editing them, sending/receiving files by email, upload to a FTP server, compressing files... not too much. Actually, I think that the purpose of that statement is to aviod that a translator is unable to do his/her work efficiently due to he/she not being able to work with a computer.
Copying/pasting files, I'm not sure of my knowledge *-)
Editing a file, it depends on which kind of file : a .doc or .odt, I am perfectly able to do it, but a phpbb file language isn't in my knowledge at all !
Uploading to a FTP isn't as much difficult as it was in the past because of new softwares like FileZilla, which simplifies the work. So you don't need to have a degree in computer science to do it now as you needed in the past :P
Compressing is not a such difficult task with a software like 7zip.

Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by Giulia
Why don't we create a team which involves only correcting members ?
Well, that depends on the language, but there are teams whose members are splited in two "subteams": some of them translate the program and other just review the translation. It's up to each team to organize the best way they think.
Thanks for featuring me this information :)

Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by Giulia
Actually, spelling, grammar, style.... mistakes are better seen by people not involved in the translation. So it's a double safety for having good translations. And by the end, it's less work for Patchou to validate the translation (it's only a last check to approve a translation).
Patchou does not validate any translation. He can't speak all the languages that Plus is translated in. Actually, errors seen by people who don't belong to a translation team are posted in the forums and the translators read the reports and correct the errors.
So I may not have understood well what is Patchou's task with msgplus *-)

Originally posted by Choli
In short: if you want to help with the translation of the language X, you can do 2 things: either you contact with the translators of the language X and ask them to join the group so you can participate directly with the translation (either actively translating texts or reviewing them), or you can just configure Plus in the language X and each time you see a mistake, post it in the forum ;)
Thanks for your ideas :D
Translation guidelines seemed really daunting to me !
Giulia ;)
06-21-2009 11:10 PM
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RE: Reviewing translations ?
Originally posted by Giulia
Editing a file, it depends on which kind of file : a .doc or .odt, I am perfectly able to do it, but a phpbb file language isn't in my knowledge at all !
Mainly .txt files :P Should be the least of your worries.
Originally posted by Giulia
So I may not have understood well what is Patchou's task with msgplus *-)
He makes the program, but he obviously can't validate the translations because he doesn't speak the language. If he would have someone else validate the languages, then why not have those persons translate in the first place? However, he does to my knowledge actually make the English version and translate it into French himself, as he actually speaks both fluently.
Originally posted by Giulia
Translation guidelines seemed really daunting to me !
Well, that's a must-read guide for any translator.

This post was edited on 06-23-2009 at 05:11 AM by Vilkku.
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06-22-2009 05:01 AM
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RE: Reviewing translations ?
Originally posted by Giulia
Copying/pasting files, I'm not sure of my knowledge
Editing a file, it depends on which kind of file : a .doc or .odt, I am perfectly able to do it, but a phpbb file language isn't in my knowledge at all !
Uploading to a FTP isn't as much difficult as it was in the past because of new softwares like FileZilla, which simplifies the work. So you don't need to have a degree in computer science to do it now as you needed in the past
Compressing is not a such difficult task with a software like 7zip.
sure there are lots of tools to do all that... and if you can use them, you won't have any problem inside a translation group. Also, as vilkku said, the translation files are just plain text files that you can edit in Notepad (or gvim, notepad2, etc...) Also, there are tools to help in the task of editing and creating a translation.
Originally posted by Vilkku
However, he does to my knowledge actually make the English version and translate it into French himself, as he actually speaks both fluently.
It's true that Patchou speaks french and english fluently since he's from France and lives in Canada; however he only writes the english translation of Plus. The french translation is done and reviewed by other people. Patchou has the same to do with the french translation as with the spanish/chinesse/arabic/... translations
Messenger Plus! en espaņol:
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06-22-2009 07:31 PM
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O.P. RE: Reviewing translations ?
Thanks for your help :)
Giulia ;)
06-23-2009 05:52 PM
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