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Is australia really racist or is it a misconception
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RE: Is australia really racist or is it a misconception
Rofl i just recieved a pm of some new member who looks like he just signed up to pm me this wtf.

Today at 01:17 AM, MichaelEider wrote:
You are one of the countless number of people who completely miss the point on the issue.  The issue is not the intent to be racist- it's the perception of racism.  Whether you like it or not, both are about as bad as each other- and you want a reality check- you are not the judge.  The judges are from people all over the world who have cast this judgement on Australia.  You can choose to ignore their views- that will only exacerbate Australia's image as racist, generally backward, and culturally (certainly comically) unsophisticated.  Your point about people being ashamed of their race if they take offence to being called black is so stupid it defies belief. Why would you even refer to people by their colour anyway?
Don't get me wrong, I dont think Australia is a very racist country but there is an undertone of racism reflected in the jokes, gestures, etc that can easily escalate into something more sinister- think Pauline Hanson, Cronulla race riots, Indian students bashing, the former head of Telstra complaining of racism in Australia- is Australia getting the message?  The best thing you could do is try to understand the viewpoints of others who are offended by this instead of closing your mind to the world.  Afterall, in this globalized world, Australia will not get far if it cannot relate to citizens from other countries.  Our perspective cannot afford to be as isolated as our geography.

First off, before i reply to anything you have said, i would just like to make it known you are a complete dickhead. lol.

That out of the way, basically everything you said was stupid, ill pick at some of the most stupidist things.

You can choose to ignore their views- that will only exacerbate Australia's image as racist, generally backward, and culturally (certainly comically) unsophisticated.

I am going to assume you are american because americans seems to think everyone cares what they think, so if you think australia is racist, good on you champ. How about actually visiting before you cast judgement? Anyway i laugh at you saying "australia is racist" By saying that, you are saying EVERYONE in australia is racist. I havent seen any new born babies being racist, have you?

"generally backward" How are we generally backward? do we drive around in horse and cart? Australia is rank 2nd behind norway on the Human Development Index which measures of life expectancy, educational attainment, and GDP per capita for countries worldwide. Australia is the only developed G20 nation in the world to avoid recession. Australia is the only economy in the world that has grown for the past 18 years. Australian schools are some of the best of the world. I can't believe our backwardness, oh it's so backward thanks for pointing that out from your computer in Kabul Afghanistan. lol.

"culturally (certainly comically) unsophisticated"

Again you have no idea about australia and it's obvious you have never been here. You need to get out a bit more and stop watching movies. Let me tell you our culture is way more sophisticated then some countries will ever be.

I dont think Australia is a very racist country but there is an undertone of racism reflected in the jokes, gestures, etc that can easily escalate into something more sinister- think Pauline Hanson, Cronulla race riots, Indian students bashing, the former head of Telstra complaining of racism in Australia

"I dont think Australia is a very racist country"

Yes you do, you just said up there previously.

" think Pauline Hanson"
The woman who wanted to turn down the immigration a little bit and actually let skilled immigrants into the country, OH THE RACISM OH GOD.

"Cronulla race riots"
If you move to a country where your race and culture isn't the majority race and culture there and you then start to trouble of cause you are going to get backlash.

The riot didn't start because people woke up and said "hmm i don't like middle eastern people, lets riot and bash them" there is a pre lude leading up to it. It all started on the beach in cronulla. A muslim lady was drowning, so white life guards went out to save her (thats there job) anyway when they draged her to shore, her muslim husband and friends bashed the life guards for touching there wife. This wasn't the first time life guards were bashed, they were bashed on numerous occasions. The locals had enough so they started to protest, till the middle eastern people came out and fighting with the protestors, then that made the locals snap and they just bashed any middle eastern person they could find. I am not saying what they did was right, but if you poke a bear with a stick, what do you think will happen? the bear won't eat you?

"Indian students bashing"

You make it sound like thousands of indians are being bashed. There is about 5 cases of it, Most of them while walking home alone at night. You don't do that. You don't catch a train at 2 am in the morning. These indians were most likely not bashed because they were indian it was just random. Some of the cases that were confirmed to be racial were done by other students from other countries, which was also confirmed.

" the former head of Telstra complaining of racism in Australia"

Hahaha this is the most funniest of all. Do you know why he was complaining of racism? Because when he was leaving a newspaper wrote  "adios amigo" in a article about him. OH THE RACISM, THERE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE THATS RACIST.

Originally posted by John Anderton
Originally posted by Jarrod
Is australia really racist or is it a misconception
Despite all the stuff in the news here about Indians being ill-treated, I really don't give a shit.. There are racists everywhere. You have nice and helpful people everywhere as well.. generalizing and saying a country is racist simply because of the actions of a handful of dickheads is wrong.
Then again, it is said that a country should be judged on the basis of how they treat their guests.

(y) But for the last bit, in any country you go to, it can't be guaranteed that some people won't start shit with you. Like if i went to India and go bashed, i wouldn't say India is racist just because one person bashed me lol.

This post was edited on 10-10-2009 at 09:57 PM by Discrate.
10-10-2009 09:55 PM
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RE: Is australia really racist or is it a misconception
I know this thread is old, but i thought i would post this video because it sums up alot of how i feel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7e24vmyhPk
10-22-2009 01:44 PM
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