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Is there a script that can respond line-by-line...
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O.P. Is there a script that can respond line-by-line...
Instead of having to use certain keywords to generate a response?  Like, for example, Answering Machine Plus without the receive column?  I was wondering if there was such a script that would allow me to automatically respond to the person, line-by-line, with a delayed response, as if it were talking to a real person?  Thanks.
01-01-2010 12:50 AM
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formerly methos

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RE: Is there a script that can respond line-by-line...
I doubt there's a script that's out there, but with a little help from the scripting documentation I'm sure it's certainly possible.

You could have a look at how answering machine plus takes messages and checks them for the key words, then write in a simple function that is set in motion when a key word is found...

As for the function to send messages, you could just have an array of messages to send, and use for...in to loop through the array, using a delay between each message. Something like this:

Javascript code:
//check for message sent, check for keyword, if found send_messages()
function send_messages(){
  var message_array = ["hey","how are you?"];
  for(var message in message_array){

PS: If you really don't feel up for it, I might try making the script next week after my exams have finished :P

This post was edited on 01-17-2010 at 05:30 PM by stoshrocket.
formerly methos
01-17-2010 04:13 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: Is there a script that can respond line-by-line...
I've tried to learn the official documentation, and, for the life of me, cannot figure it out.  I would appreciate it if you could make a simple script to respond line-by-line, with a delayed response that can handle multiple IM's at a time.  If this can be done, please let me know.  I appreciate any help that can be given to me.  Thank you.
01-19-2010 08:13 AM
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