The code I wrote you just need to delete these 2 lines:
Javascript code:
if (Messenger.MyName !== '') Wnd.Combo_AddItem('NamePm', 'Name');
if (Messenger.MyPersonalMessage !== '') Wnd.Combo_AddItem('NamePm', 'Personal Message');
Change to :
Javascript code:
Wnd.Combo_AddItem('NamePm', 'Name');
Wnd.Combo_AddItem('NamePm', 'Personal Message');
Originally posted by c_clarky_89
and when i want to change the letters or symbols i dont know how to change them
You dont need to do anything aside from add another button that follows the name of BtnChar.
As for your question:
Don't assign the variable of the window to the same name as a parameter passed...
Meaning create another variable to store the windows object in. Or the window has an error and wont create...