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Originally posted by preben

Originally posted by preben
10/06/07 02:09:49| SkinLoader: Couldn't find file "clouds.jpeg"

As suggested, double check the file extension
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
06-07-2010 12:45 AM
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Skinning Contest Winner

Posts: 1762
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32 / Male / Flag
Joined: Jan 2008
Here, try using this instead:
XML code:
        <Name>test skin</Name>
                    <Version Major="14" Minor="0"/>
                        <String Id="61288">I should be polite to people helping me.</String>
                        <Picture Id="4300">

Also, refer to this for further help.

Basic SkinInfo.xml information
XML code:
<SkinInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:skins"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:skins PlusSkins.xsd"> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! to start reading the file, and useful information for editing software-->
<Information> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! that the next lines contain information about your skin -->
<Name>Test Skin</Name> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what name to show on the skin selection page, import screen and folder name on new installations -->
<Description>The classic Hello World example.</Description> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what to show on the skin import screen, please keep it short. -->
<AboutUrl>http://blessedguy.com</AboutUrl> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what is your skin's [or related anything] page. -->
<Version>1.0</Version> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what your skin version is, for organization purposes. -->
<Screenshot><File>screenshot.jpg</File></Screenshot> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! to use this as a "badge" for your skin, will be shown on skin import and skin selection page. Please use an 86x86 image file. -->
<Compatibility><MsgVersion Major="14" Minor="0"/></Compatibility> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what Messenger versions will work with your skin. See this in "Help > About", Major is the first number, and minor is the first number after the major.-->
<UpdateId>example</UpdateId> <!-- This will tell the Skins Database if Messenger Plus! should or should not notify the existence of updates for your skin. It has to be unique for each skin and have between 6 and 8 characters. -->
<BuildNumber>01</BuildNumber> <!-- This, with UpdateId, will tell Messenger Plus! if your skin is updated. DO NOT use any special caracter like "." or ",", only natural numbers in an ascending order: the newer the skin, the bigger this number. -->
<TraceFile>true</TraceFile> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! if it should or should not create a SkinTrace.txt file in case of errors. PLEASE DO NOT DISABLE. -->
</Information> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! there's no more information on the skin here -->
<MessengerSkin> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what to change in Messenger -->
<ResGroup> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! a "Resource Group" starts here. -->
<Restrictions> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what Messenger versions are compatible with this specific Resource Group. Useful when your skin is compatible with multiple versions of Messenger, or something requires different files for different builds of the same Major/Minor version. -->
<Version Major="14" Minor="0"/> <!-- Same as <MsgVersion> in <Compatibility> -->
<MsgLanguages>  <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what languages are able to load this specific Resource Group. PLEASE DO NOT use if you're not replacing any strings, PLEASE DO use if you are replacing strings, all other languages won't be able to load this <ResGroup> -->
<Language><IsoCode="en-gb"/></Language> <!-- Please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533052(VS.85).aspx for IsoCode. -->
</Restrictions> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! the version restriction information for this Resource group ends here. -->
<Resources> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about the files you'll use: how and where. -->
<Replace> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! the next lines contain information on what files should go in the place of existing Resource IDs. -->
<Strings><!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what strings [text] files should be changed. -->
<String Id="22176">Live Messenger</String> <!-- You can look for an ID inside ~\Strings & Colors\msglang_strings.txt file in your extracted resources folder. We'll deal with the problem of languages on <MsgLnaguages> -->
</Strings> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more strings will be edited in this <ResGroup> -->
<Windows> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about each changed window structure. Not needed on most basic skins. Jump to </Windows> if this is the case. -->
<Styles> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what style files to replace. -->
<Style Id="900"><File>Windows/Styles/msgres_style_900.txt</File></Style> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! where to find the file for a given Style ID. -->
</Styles> <!-- You can find the ID for each window in http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=88344&pid=945812#pid945812 or by checking the \Consolidated Windows~folder inside your extracted resources folder. -->
<Definitions> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! wht definition files to replace. -->
<Definition Id="900"><File>Windows/bDefinitions/msgres_def_900.txt</File></Definition> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! where to find the file for a given Definition Id. -->
</Windows> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more Style or Definition files will be changed. -->
<Graphics> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about replaced pictures, icons and animations [.gif files] included. -->
<Pictures> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about replaced pictures, icons not included. -->
<Picture Id="4300"><File>Graphics/Pictures/4300.png</File><Metadata><Colorize>false</Colorize></Metadata></Picture> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! where to find the picture to replace a given Picture Id. For instance, Picture Id="4300" refers to the background of logon window.
Use the format folder/file.extension.
Messenger Plus! undertands path/filename.extension as [Messenger Plus! instalation directory]/Skins/[Skin Folder]/path/filename.extension.
We'll call [Messenger Plus! instalation directory]/Skins/[Skin Folder] "root directory" from now on.
Metadata information includes the <colorize> [true or false] tag and <UMTop> <UMBottom> <UMLeft> <UMRight> [number of pixels to a given direction] tags. -->
</Pictures> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more Pictures will be replaced. -->
</Graphics> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more graphics will be replaced. -->
</Replace> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more files will be replaced. -->
</Resources> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more resources will be changed. -->
</ResGroup> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! a <ResGroup> ends here. -->
</MessengerSkin> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! your skin ends here. -->
</SkinInfo> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! your SkinInfo.xml file ends here. -->

This post was edited on 06-07-2010 at 02:34 AM by blessedguy.
[Image: Empty.png]
06-07-2010 02:31 AM
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Junior Member

Posts: 18
Joined: Jun 2010
Originally posted by blessedguy
Here, try using this instead:
XML code:
        <Name>test skin</Name>
                    <Version Major="14" Minor="0"/>
                        <String Id="61288">I should be polite to people helping me.</String>
                        <Picture Id="4300">

Also, refer to this for further help.

Basic SkinInfo.xml information
XML code:
<SkinInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:skins"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:skins PlusSkins.xsd"> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! to start reading the file, and useful information for editing software-->
<Information> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! that the next lines contain information about your skin -->
<Name>Test Skin</Name> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what name to show on the skin selection page, import screen and folder name on new installations -->
<Description>The classic Hello World example.</Description> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what to show on the skin import screen, please keep it short. -->
<AboutUrl>http://blessedguy.com</AboutUrl> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what is your skin's [or related anything] page. -->
<Version>1.0</Version> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what your skin version is, for organization purposes. -->
<Screenshot><File>screenshot.jpg</File></Screenshot> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! to use this as a "badge" for your skin, will be shown on skin import and skin selection page. Please use an 86x86 image file. -->
<Compatibility><MsgVersion Major="14" Minor="0"/></Compatibility> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what Messenger versions will work with your skin. See this in "Help > About", Major is the first number, and minor is the first number after the major.-->
<UpdateId>example</UpdateId> <!-- This will tell the Skins Database if Messenger Plus! should or should not notify the existence of updates for your skin. It has to be unique for each skin and have between 6 and 8 characters. -->
<BuildNumber>01</BuildNumber> <!-- This, with UpdateId, will tell Messenger Plus! if your skin is updated. DO NOT use any special caracter like "." or ",", only natural numbers in an ascending order: the newer the skin, the bigger this number. -->
<TraceFile>true</TraceFile> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! if it should or should not create a SkinTrace.txt file in case of errors. PLEASE DO NOT DISABLE. -->
</Information> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! there's no more information on the skin here -->
<MessengerSkin> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what to change in Messenger -->
<ResGroup> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! a "Resource Group" starts here. -->
<Restrictions> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what Messenger versions are compatible with this specific Resource Group. Useful when your skin is compatible with multiple versions of Messenger, or something requires different files for different builds of the same Major/Minor version. -->
<Version Major="14" Minor="0"/> <!-- Same as <MsgVersion> in <Compatibility> -->
<MsgLanguages>  <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what languages are able to load this specific Resource Group. PLEASE DO NOT use if you're not replacing any strings, PLEASE DO use if you are replacing strings, all other languages won't be able to load this <ResGroup> -->
<Language><IsoCode="en-gb"/></Language> <!-- Please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533052(VS.85).aspx for IsoCode. -->
</Restrictions> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! the version restriction information for this Resource group ends here. -->
<Resources> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about the files you'll use: how and where. -->
<Replace> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! the next lines contain information on what files should go in the place of existing Resource IDs. -->
<Strings><!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what strings [text] files should be changed. -->
<String Id="22176">Live Messenger</String> <!-- You can look for an ID inside ~\Strings & Colors\msglang_strings.txt file in your extracted resources folder. We'll deal with the problem of languages on <MsgLnaguages> -->
</Strings> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more strings will be edited in this <ResGroup> -->
<Windows> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about each changed window structure. Not needed on most basic skins. Jump to </Windows> if this is the case. -->
<Styles> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! what style files to replace. -->
<Style Id="900"><File>Windows/Styles/msgres_style_900.txt</File></Style> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! where to find the file for a given Style ID. -->
</Styles> <!-- You can find the ID for each window in http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=88344&pid=945812#pid945812 or by checking the \Consolidated Windows~folder inside your extracted resources folder. -->
<Definitions> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! wht definition files to replace. -->
<Definition Id="900"><File>Windows/bDefinitions/msgres_def_900.txt</File></Definition> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! where to find the file for a given Definition Id. -->
</Windows> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more Style or Definition files will be changed. -->
<Graphics> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about replaced pictures, icons and animations [.gif files] included. -->
<Pictures> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! about replaced pictures, icons not included. -->
<Picture Id="4300"><File>Graphics/Pictures/4300.png</File><Metadata><Colorize>false</Colorize></Metadata></Picture> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! where to find the picture to replace a given Picture Id. For instance, Picture Id="4300" refers to the background of logon window.
Use the format folder/file.extension.
Messenger Plus! undertands path/filename.extension as [Messenger Plus! instalation directory]/Skins/[Skin Folder]/path/filename.extension.
We'll call [Messenger Plus! instalation directory]/Skins/[Skin Folder] "root directory" from now on.
Metadata information includes the <colorize> [true or false] tag and <UMTop> <UMBottom> <UMLeft> <UMRight> [number of pixels to a given direction] tags. -->
</Pictures> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more Pictures will be replaced. -->
</Graphics> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more graphics will be replaced. -->
</Replace> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more files will be replaced. -->
</Resources> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! no more resources will be changed. -->
</ResGroup> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! a <ResGroup> ends here. -->
</MessengerSkin> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! your skin ends here. -->
</SkinInfo> <!-- This will tell Messenger Plus! your SkinInfo.xml file ends here. -->

worng one here:

.jpg File Attachment: msnpic.jpg (75.26 KB)
This file has been downloaded 112 time(s).

This post was edited on 06-11-2010 at 03:32 PM by preben.
06-11-2010 03:29 PM
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Skinning Contest Winner

Posts: 1762
Reputation: 25
32 / Male / Flag
Joined: Jan 2008
Could you please send your .plsk file? [Read the packing your skin help section]
[Image: Empty.png]
06-11-2010 11:46 PM
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