Can someone please sticky a post which has all the ideas for plugins so people like me can just briefly look for projects to work on?
Been thinking about making a winamp plugin for msn, tell me if this can be done; like you have the next stop ff rw and shit in ur msn dialogue box, and a button to show what song ur listening to and the time left or time progress bar. could be a good little invention and is WAY too complicated for me to do.
idea 2 how about an msn delete checker that actually works, no offence but norooms program is no more than a program that fails to me, doesnt allow me to have my msn open and doesnt delete the contacts i select.
So in conclusion a plugin that is able to be opened through msn and takes the [Tools -> Options -> Privacy list] and checks the allow list and then checks the who has added you list and shows the ppl who dont have u on there list and u have on your list. easy i think but i failed to do so.
idea 3 how about a plugin that is ABLE to go to a website and check the validity of a contacts offline to see who has blocked you, like it mass messages the website and checks ALL your list to see who has blocked you. ofcourse only checking offline contacts! can be hard also too hard for me to accomplish.
-Zev goldfarb
please add ideas to this section and not post random splits please.
we need a sticky