I just beat Kingdom Hearts 2 (
It was amazing
.....I beat it and got the secret ending but unfortunatly I forgot to save....woopsies
...so now I have to kill sephiroth and finish the book still
For those people who did not complete everything and wanted the secret ending....here is a DVD quality link I found
Anyways...I am a level 97....proud mode (hardest game type)....got the Ultima Keyblade....level 7 drive (could be max?)....
Anyways here you can discuss where you are and if you have some questions I could try answering
This Game is awsome....also I read somewhere that the secret ending might look like there will be a kingdom hearts 3 but there
will be most likely not to be one
But I hope alot !!!!111 that there will be a Kingdom Hearts 3!!!
will edit later maybe
edit: this shows a player playing as side characters
video here
Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania - Tetsuya Nomura Interview
Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania - Famitsu 2