Okay, as I now want to extend the GUI of Countdown Live, I would like to let the user resize the preferences window. Therefore, the child windows have to resize too... but they don't. This is what the XML looks like:
In <Window Id="WndOptions">:
<Position Width="400" Height="275">
<Resizeable Allowed="BothSides">
In <Window Id="WndSettings">:
<Position Width="291" Height="218">
<Resizeable Allowed="BothSides">
<Element xsi:type="FigureElement" Id="FigExample">
<Position Top="88" Left="5" Height="40" Width="281">
<Anchor Horizontal="LeftRightFixed" Vertical="BottomFixed"/>
And this is how the result looks like:
*containg = containing
For the full code, look on
Any ideas how to fix this?