Well, first of all, it would mean redirecting to the download file. I don't think Patchou will like that. Second, you would need to check for the downloading IP-address in the database before you can send the user his file, and that would slow down the download even more. Third, it would make the download counter of the Plus! site itself
(you can't see it, but Patchou can check how many times his add-on is downloaded) useless, since most of the records will be caused by download link spammers.
I don't think it would be a good idea... and there already was such contest once with the 3.50 release [size=1](well, that one was official
Originally posted by aNILEator
Was done for release of plus 3.6 i believe
The 3.60 release included tabbed chats, emotion sounds were already integrated in 3.50.