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Combo with Stuffplug
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RE: RE: Combo with Stuffplug
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by MattyRid
In fact it is contact specific...I checked before I posted back...markee has used the registry to store each one
nope it isn't... this reply is exactly why I explicitly repeated again:
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Remember that this will NOT be a contact specific nickname! Calling it that will be wrong (just as saying "open window notifiers" to "opened session notifiers").

The ChatOnly nickname is chat specific, not contact specific.

Keep this in mind when making an interface (or whatever else).


Thus it is not because this POC script stores it contact specific that the ChatOnly Nickname feature is contact specific.

The ChatOnly Nickname is chat specific....
Exactly th point, hence why I made sure I said that it only works when there is only one other person in the conversation and it will return back to the normal ChatOnly name set in StuffPlug otherwise (and it will do this if there is no ChatOnly name set too).

On the matter of how to store its settings: markee, try to use the user ID to store stuff. Putting plain emails in the registry is not recommended...(and take in account yahoo contact emails which have a prefix, in case you use the sEmail parameter of events) ;)
I would use the user ID of the contact if there was an easy method.  I realise you have given instructions elsewhere on the forums and I would use it but I wanted to keep the script short and quick (especially seeing as though it is on a send message which is the most used function already).  I forgot about the yahoo thing though, thank you for reminding me and I'll see what I can do....

To others: all this is again to say that markee's script is just a POC (proof of concept) to simply show it is possible and should not be used as a "final" script because as a "final" script it doesn't work without glitches and issues.

Thank you for making this so explicit, just to make sure everyone is aware.

I'm not sure if I will continue work on this script as I only did it to prove it could be done as I said.  I'm sure it wouldn't take too much effort on my part to do the rest to have easy to use interfaces and the likes but I'm just trying to do a few other things at the moment.  I may come back and develop this script further in the future if no-body else decides to for me and this feature isn't implemented into StuffPlug itself. 
[Image: markee.png]
01-12-2007 06:53 AM
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