Originally posted by blade
"So how are u?" as "So how are you?"
but not
"So how's it down under?" as "So how's it down younder"
those things already work like that in plus because in the first example "u" is a whole word and in the second "u" is part of a word (well, just that example doesn't work, due to the at-least-2-chars minimun length of filters; but you get the idea)
Originally posted by Patchou
I understand.. well, I can add an option for that in the registry if you want... but how could it be really useful?
IMO, the best way to personalise that is giving the user (even if it has to be done in the registry) the ability of choose what characters will act as delimiters for filters. However, that may be quite difficult of implement and also could bring bugs or similar dodgy things.
Personally, I'm fine with the way it works now; maybe, Patchou, you can add the ability of filter 1 char words and for me the filter feature would be completed