Originally posted by stephen_wq
Oh and is it possible to be able to browse the server and see the name of a sound you want, instead of clicking random?
no. The main feature of the Custom Sounds is to share your own sounds with your friends. Not to browse/download an existing sounddatabase.
Although, something might be added on the server itself for that in the futur.
Originally posted by HalfDead
another thing that would be extra handy is smaller time increments rather than a whole second
double click on the trimbar to specify trimming with a resolution of 1/1000 of second.
Originally posted by HalfDead
as well as an option for minimum quality which lets you go even longer
It might be added, it might not. 10 seconds is more then long enough for almost every possible Custom Emoticon Sound. Remember that this is not a feature to share music.