Originally posted by alegator
What does the "Mess Patch" do and what's great about it? Any link to it? Thanks
its a patch by Rolando, theunknown, Koen, TheBlasphemer & Windows X
Allows you to patch MSN Messenger 7.0.0*** BETA with the following options: enable polygamy, install custom games, remove the (beta) tag, disable nudges, remove add contact label, remove msn search bar, remove banner ad, remove msn today button, fix nickname length, remove white (text ad) space from conversation windows, distinguish Idle from Away status (English version only), remove MSN logo (from main and conversation window), remove premium services (what's hot), remove conversation window search button, remove email button, remove my space button, remove all contact card buttons, swap now playing artist and song title, disable nudge protection, remove user is writing message, fix black border around display pictures, remove winks/packs and/or nudges buttons and change handwriting tab images to text.
NEW: multi-language support (currently: English, Dutch, Portugese), enable/remove Winamp support in Personal Messages, clicking your MSN Display Picture in the main window opens the display picture dialog (like it used to), make conversation text boxes semi-transparent by default, fixed packs button removal bug. New in 2nd version: Toaster has been replaced with TB's music plugin, Idle status is English only again and the total filesize has been reduced.
there is currently not one for 7.0.0777
it can be downloaded from mess.be