As lot of people already knows -as you see on the subject- Starcraft II will be divided into a trilogy.
The single player will be affected, and multiplayer not much.
For summary: SC2 got so big, and the terran campaign is so big, solid and took too much time to make, their decision was divide the game into 3 separate products.
Their schema is like this: Terran (base), Zerg (expansion) and Protoss (expansion).
Multiplayer will have the 3 races since the beginning, but the expansions will only give some improvements to multiplayer, like units, features and upgrades.
More details here:
[Kotaku] StarCraft II Single Player Is A Trilogy!
[Kotaku] StarCraft II Lead Producer On The Split Single Player Campaign
Personal opinion: I really think this is a really bad idea, if they want to make a really good story, they could have made 1/3 of the story per race.
Also, I really hope expansions are nos another $60, with that the whole package will be $180 which I don't think it deserves it.
What do you think about this?