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Stolen id and virus on WLM
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O.P. Stolen id and virus on WLM
I would like to see MSN do something about the proliferation of the messages that are really viruses

I know people get the list and whatever, not sure exactly what is going on, but would like to see MSN do something about it. It is getting very bad.

I change password and everything but to no avail.

Does anyone else have this problem? I get them from my contacts and they tell me they get them from me also.

Anyone got any solutions???
02-01-2009 03:14 AM
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RE: Stolen id and virus on WLM
Your contacts need to change their passwords as it is they that are "infected". A website they have been on is logging in and posting messages under their email address and most of the time your contacts don't even know it. This is nothing to do with Microsoft and there is little that can be done about it except for learning what to look for.

The list of websites that do this, the messages they send and the links are growing everyday and there are too many to track to make any decent checking tool
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02-01-2009 03:32 AM
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RE: Stolen id and virus on WLM
changing your password won't do anything :p if you have the virus, then it's running on your computer and interfacing with the running copy of msn to send messages :p
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02-01-2009 03:33 AM
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RE: Stolen id and virus on WLM
These type of spam messages are typically sent by a virus active on the computer from the person who sends them. If you receive them from your contacts, and your contacts receive them from you, then you're both infected.

Get a good anti virus program and do a full scan, make sure your PC is virus free and up to date with all the security fixes from Windows Update.

Some good antivirus programs are:
http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ (online scanner, doen't remove viruses, but does a good job on telling if something is wrong)
http://www.eset.com/ (not free, but very good)

Even better would be formatting completely (using the discs that came with the pc) and start out fresh. Make sure the first thing you do after that is getting all the Windows updates.
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02-01-2009 03:35 AM
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O.P. RE: Stolen id and virus on WLM
I have both avg and eset, full program/not free.

malware scanner also

nothing ever turns up and when it does it gets zapped.
But I do understand that these things are a menace.

thanks for all the info/help

keep fighting the good fight
02-02-2009 01:12 AM
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RE: Stolen id and virus on WLM
Originally posted by hockeyrick
I have both avg and eset, full program/not free.

malware scanner also

nothing ever turns up and when it does it gets zapped.
But I do understand that these things are a menace.

thanks for all the info/help

keep fighting the good fight

if you're getting messages from your contacts, then they have a virus, not you :p
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02-02-2009 01:16 AM
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RE: Stolen id and virus on WLM
if you get messages from people like that, ignor the link/download and don't worry, if people at you'r school/work/ where ever tell you that you'r sending them "WOW this looks like you *link* " messages, you have the virus :(

hope i helped ...
bam :)
02-02-2009 04:22 PM
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