When I installed the new msgplus v5 I did install the tool bar.
When I then tried to use Firefox (V3.6.13 and V4 Beta 10) the both came up but were locked. They were not useable. A separate window appeared where I could select stuff for the tool bar. But clicking on finish there didnt help.
I had to process kill the firefox (bot versions!).
Then I de-installed the tool bar and the conduit. And rebooted. But the symptoms stayed there. Like above.
Then I de-installed MSGplus AND both versions of Firefox. And rebooted.
Then I installed MSGplus and deselected the usage of the tool bar.
(I did delete the folders for msg plus, and both Firefox version under ProgramFiles(x86) before !!).
Then I installed Firefox V4 Beta again.
When I run it the tool bar is still there, although I didnt install it!
And Firefox still locks up!!
Please, HOW can I get rid of the tool bar so I can use Firefox again????????
Btw, Internet explorer V9 RC1 works fine.
And, btw, I use Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
The MSGplus installation was using the German language version!
Thanks in advance!
Thomas (frustrated