in Parse command/tag function, you get a object of can use its property "Contacts" ...that contains all the contants in the conversation. For detail I think you have to look into Messenger API
that will get the first user in the conversation's e-mail address (there are different ways, but that is the most foolproof).
change the parameter in Item to change which user you get the e-mail of.
Could this code do the job, it gets each contact and adds it to sresult? In ParseCommand or maybe as a tag?
On Error GoTo EH
Dim MSNCont As IMessengerContact
If (StrComp(LCase(sCommand), "/xconvppl", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
sResult = "Contacts: "
For Each MSNCont In oConversationWnd.Contacts
sResult = sResult + " " + MSNCont.SigninName
ParseCommand = True
Exit Function
End If
ParseCommand = False
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, Err.Number
Exit Function
This post was edited on 08-19-2003 at 04:17 PM by Hah.
This post was brought to you by Hah!
(and he takes no responsibility for it )
Here you go, i got bored so i made a working plugin and source (VB) with that code in to see it working its attached in the installer below.
It will install the source to the plugin directory of plus, so if u have any projects in there already, please move them before you install it, otherwise its simple.
Hah (37.2 KB) This file has been downloaded 165 time(s).
This post was brought to you by Hah!
(and he takes no responsibility for it )