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Cannot Send email from OE if new (3.50) Plus! is on.
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O.P. Cannot Send email from OE if new (3.50) Plus! is on.
Windows98SE, Pentiumll, lotsa GB and MB memory:  Mess. 6.2, Plus!3.50, w Monty Python (and I also added Simpsons sounds and patch, though it says it's for version 2.5 or lower...No luck so far awaiting newer patch)
The email notification worked just fine configured with my isp.  Told me accurately that I had 2 new messages, and I did.  As I was reading them, my friend came on and we opened a conv. window.
She soon had to restart because of a download, and signed off.  I opened OE and added a PS to our conv., and tried to send.
Error.  Several times, different OE ways.  Same error, could not find server (though I was connected).
However, when I shut down and signed out of Messenger, it Sent just fine.
I have not downloaded anything other than what I mentioned.  Norton never interferes with my outgoing mail.  It must be Plus!, as 6.2 has never given me this problem.
Bless you and yours, and thanks for everything, through the years.
03-23-2005 12:47 AM
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RE: Cannot Send email from OE if new (3.50) Plus! is on.
Ok I am sorry but all what you posted there makes absolutly no sense. It would be nice if you can tell us what actual errors you get and their error numbers.

Is it Plus! that isn't checking your Email properly? Or is Plus! checking it and Outlook Express not?

Also when trying to get help please don't use shortforms for programs as I have no idea wtf PS means... and I think OE is Outlook Express.

Get back to use and we can try and help. Just please write in complete sentences so we can make sence of it.

03-23-2005 02:24 AM
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O.P. RE: Cannot Send email from OE if new (3.50) Plus! is on.
Sorry, Matty, this my first time in ANY forum.  To clarify, P.S., or PS, is Englis for Post Script, in other words, an addendum to the main body of script, ie letter, IM conv., and sometimes used slangily to add to a vocal deliverance.
I received notification in popup, as hoped.
I received the correct number of emails in Outlook Express, fine.
I closed OE (yes, that's Outlooke Express) and began an IM conv.  Friend had to suddenly sign off.  I left the conversation window open, nontheless.
While friend was still offline, I opened OE to add a bit to the interrupted conversation.  (Create mail)  When I sent the new email, it did not send, neither from the top of the letter "Send," nor from the top of the entire OE toolbar, nor from Send/Receive All.
Each time, I got the same error message that I get when I have tried to send when disconnected...but this time I wasn't, I was definitely connected.  The numbers aren't coming too me at the moment, exactly, but it's something like 000080...anyway, it says, "Cannot find server.  Please be sure you are connected to the internet,"  I WAS connected, but my letter remained stuck in the Outbox.
However, when I shut the conversation window and signed out of messenger, it Sent itself immediately.
Later on, I signed onto Messenger again, but did not start any conversations, and Send worked again, as usual, when I sent another email.  Normal operations applied.
This never happened until I configured Plus!3.50 to notify my of emails that arrive through my isp in OE.  Soon after I set it up, I shut down for the night, and when I signed on again today, was delighted to be notified of that mail.  It is not a problem with OE, and having an open conversation window never before interfered with mail, incoming or outgoing.
Since all evidence seems to point to a bug, I thought I ought to tell someone.  I'd hate to have to close a conversation window every time I wanted to send an email.  There is the possibility that the problem only arises when a conversation window is open BUT a participant has signed off.
I will keep you informed of future developments.  Thank you for your concern.
03-23-2005 06:17 AM
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RE: Cannot Send email from OE if new (3.50) Plus! is on.
Messenger Plus! does not interfere with the connection to the server in Outlook Express. All I can think of is that Plus! was connecting to the server the same time you were trying to send the email. (1 connection at a time possibly)
03-23-2005 07:03 AM
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O.P. RE: Cannot Send email from OE if new (3.50) Plus! is on.
Thank you!  That makes sense.  I've tried it since, and 3 out of 5 times, under identical circumstances (open conversation window, friend signed off), there was no trouble. It seems to get better as they get used to each other.  Perhaps I should try to change the frequency with which OE checks for mail, and see if that ups the odds.  Will keep up to date on this. It's more than worth it!
Sorry...rereading my post: "...as they get used to each other," to be clearer, I was referring to your comment about Plus! and OE checking with my isp at the same time, "..they..," being OE and Plus! ((3:15AM!)

This post was edited on 03-23-2005 at 08:20 PM by WDZ.
03-23-2005 08:14 AM
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