What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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Sponsor Removal -note
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O.P. Sponsor Removal -note
This isn't a complaining message... i love messenger plus. I eventually got rid of the c2media adware by more or less following the tutorial thread. But I had to do something which the tutorial thread didn't clarify, so I thought I'd better let people know.

I had previous tried to remove the adware using spyware removal tools, and totally screwed it up, as mentioned by other people. Today, I reinstalled a copy of the msgplus setup i had on my comp (the same version) with the sponsor, then uninstalled it (Using add/remove programs). The uninstallation screens did not mention the sponsor at all and did not uninstall it. After trying this a few times, i downloaded the most recent version of Msg Plus, and used the same method. This time I got a nice sponsor removal process when i uninstalled, and the adware was succesfully removed.

"As of version 3.50 it is no longer required to uninstall Messenger Plus! as well if you wish to uninstall the sponsor program. You can simply uninstall only the sponsor program and still keep Messenger Plus! on your computer if you installed both."

This is the closest the tutorial thread comes to mentioning it, so perhaps it should be mentioned clearly you need to reinstall with the newest version if you have already screwed up the sponsor installation. (Testing might need to be done as well)

This was mainly also a success story... not many people have posted one before so I thought I may as well. Just a tip, please check it out.

  - Justin

This post was edited on 04-09-2005 at 04:46 AM by kerodeon.
04-09-2005 04:45 AM
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RE: Sponsor Removal -note
The text has been slightly adjusted. Considering the sponsor removal procedure has been altered slightly with the 3.50 release, suggesting to reinstall the latest version makes sense.

Thanks for your feedback :)

This post was edited on 04-09-2005 at 09:20 AM by Tochjo.
04-09-2005 08:17 AM
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RE: Sponsor Removal -note
Originally posted by kerodeon
This is the closest the tutorial thread comes to mentioning it, so perhaps it should be mentioned clearly you need to reinstall with the newest version if you have already screwed up the sponsor installation.
no you don't _have_ to...

the "new" feature of:

"As of version 3.50 it is no longer required to uninstall Messenger Plus! as well if you wish to uninstall the sponsor program. You can simply uninstall only the sponsor program and still keep Messenger Plus! on your computer if you installed both."

has very little (if not 'nothing') to do with this. Previously you also could uninstall the sponsor. You have to install Plus! WITH the sponsor to fix the screwed up sponsor. Simply installing Plus! without the sponsor will not fix the screwed up sponsor, and that is still exactly the same with the new Plus!...

With previous versions, if you install Plus! WITH the sponsor it would have fixed the screwed up sponsor also and the uninstall procedure would nicely uninstall the sponsor again. This WAS/IS also said in the tutorial though...

The thing that the new feature will do, is nothing more then giving the user the choice to ONLY uninstall the sponsor without uninstalling Plus! with it. This was previously not possible. But as said this has nothing to do with fixing the sponsor...

This post was edited on 04-09-2005 at 12:27 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
04-09-2005 08:51 AM
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