what i want to do is........ fide a website or a program that i can type in a suburb or somthing and get that N xxx xxx xxx E xxx xxx xxx thing or whatever
cos i am using google earth pro and i want to find my house!
ps I've tryed google so dont try the GTMF.US stuff
Also most router programs can show the locations in longitude & latitude...
Also you can aways go to your town hall to ask (or lookup) the exact longitude & latitude of your city or street or whatever...
* example of maporama, my own house:
If you want it to be more accurate you'll need to use a GPS.
Attachment:maporama.png (15.66 KB) This file has been downloaded 3970 time(s). This post was edited on 08-15-2005 at 11:44 AM by CookieRevised.
I think the funnest way is to use Google Earth to actually try and spot your house. I did this trying to find my place and sure it took a while, and I had to find some maps to match them up, but I eventually got there afer an hour or so. Its a great way to learn the geography of where you live.