Hi, I'm a new user (to both the program and this forum), but I have a few suggestions. I'm not sure if this is the area for this, but if not feel free to move it. Here is what I suggest:
1. With contacts placed on the desktop, It could have a white (or otherwise designated) color background, and when they sign on it could have another color. Also the other options could be changed if someone signs on.
Example: "John" is logged off. He is one of my desktop contacts. His name is black text on a white background. Now John signs on. The color of the text changes to white, and the background to orange.
Example 2: "Bill" never logs off his computer. He is always marked as "Away" when he is not on. When he changes his status to Online, His name on the desktop changes color, similar to "John".
2. In preferences> Notifications> Sounds, it displays the people on your list and you can change their sound. But you can only use sound files. It would be a good idea to support sounds from the sound library.
3. With the personalized status option, you are forced to choose busy, away, etc. It would be nice if you could also set a status while remaining "Online", that way you can show you're available while still showing a status.
Example: I'm online, and I want to play poker. I want to set my status, but poker doesnt require my full attention, so I don't want to be marked as Busy. I remain in online mode but with the personalized status showing others that I am playing poker.
4. In Preferences> General Options > Misc, there is an option to automatically change the status after a period of inactivity. I think you should have the option to mark "Do not change if I am already in a Personalized Status".
Example: My status is "Watching A DVD Movie". My status will automaticaly change to "Asleep/AFK" after only 30 minutes. So while I'm watching, people will think I am not there, when in reality I'm just watching a movie, and I haven't moved the mouse for more than 30 minutes. But if I check the box, then it will not change my personal status.
5. In the Sounds panel, there should be customizable sections where you can make a list of your favorite sounds, or group some together.
Example: I want to make a list with only "Homer" sounds, and another list with only "Futurama" sounds. I create a custom option for the drop down menu, "Homer", and add all the sounds I want with a dialog box. I create a new custom sound list for "Futurama" sounds, and add all the sounds I want there. Now, anytime I open the sound panel, at the bottom I will see 2 extra options, "Homer" and "Futurama", which only show the sounds I designated.
Well that's all I have for now, though I think they are very good features to add, and I don't think they are very complicated (though I don't know much about that). They would be good additions to the already amazing program you guys have provided. Thanks for listening (or rather, reading
