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Problem with Messenger Plus! Live
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O.P. Problem with Messenger Plus! Live

I'm new here and I would need some help with the new messenger plus! live... :( The problem I have is that, since I installed it, I can't get online with my account of msn messenger. I tried with another accounts, and I am able to get online on msn messenger live. Could it be caused by the plus, or maybe not? I've tried everything (or I think so): I've uninstalled and reinstalled both programs a couple of times... and it isn't working yet; I've searched for somebody who had the same problem in this forum, and I didn't find anybody, so finally I decided to write here to look for help... Can anybody help me?? Thank you very much!!


P.D: sorry for my english, but I'm spanish :)
07-04-2006 10:34 AM
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RE: Problem with Messenger Plus! Live
Originally posted by bloobrey

I'm new here and I would need some help with the new messenger plus! live... :( The problem I have is that, since I installed it, I can't get online with my account of msn messenger. I tried with another accounts, and I am able to get online on msn messenger live. Could it be caused by the plus, or maybe not? I've tried everything (or I think so): I've uninstalled and reinstalled both programs a couple of times... and it isn't working yet; I've searched for somebody who had the same problem in this forum, and I didn't find anybody, so finally I decided to write here to look for help... Can anybody help me?? Thank you very much!!


P.D: sorry for my english, but I'm spanish :)

Hello Bloobrey and welcome to the MessengerPlus! Live forums.

Firstly, i'm not sure if i fully understand you problem. Is the problem that you are unable to sign-in to Windows Live Messenger with you Windows Live ID since installing MessengerPlus! Live, but that you are able to sign-in using other Windows Live ID accounts?

If this is the case, i don't think it could be caused by MessengerPlus! Live.

But here are some some steps you should try (do them in the order they are listed please):
[*]Uninstall MessengerPlus! Live 4.00
[*]Uninstall Windows Live Messenger 8.0
[*]Remove the following folder and ALL of it's contents: C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger
[*]Remove the following folder and ALL of it's contents: C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live
[*]Reboot (restart) your computer
[*]Download Windows Live Messenger from http://messenger.live.com
[*]Install the Windows Live Messenger version you've just downloaded
[*]Download MessengerPlus! Live from http://www.MsgPlusLive.net
[*] Install the MessengerPlus! Live version you have just downloaded
[*]Try signing in with your Windows Live ID account again.

Once you've performed the steps listed above please let us know if it helped or not. If you need any further help with performing the steps, please also reply, and i'd be happy to help you further.


This post was edited on 07-04-2006 at 04:48 PM by Salem.
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07-04-2006 04:45 PM
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