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Floating contacts bug with RDP
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O.P. Undecided  Floating contacts bug with RDP
Hi and hello.

I've found a bug concerning floating contacts when used together with RDP. I use to contact to my home computer from work using Windows Remote Desktop (both source and target computers are updated XP Professional). My floating contacts are located and position fixed in the lower right corner on a 1280x960 screen. RDP Screen is only 1024x768, so when using RDP I don't see them (I might have a feature suggestion for that issue, but not in this post). Well, every time I loose contact with my home computer for a few seconds, which doesn't happen very often anyway, all floating contacts appear in the upper left corner of my screen afterwards. It seems that my home computer redraws the desktop completely after connection problems, and resets the floating desktop positions too. The fixed position flag is not there anymore either, for none of the contacts.

Using latest public WLM and Plus! Live 4.00.234.
07-06-2006 10:18 AM
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RE: Floating contacts bug with RDP
I believe this problem happened in Plus! 3 as well, and I forget if it was resolved or not.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-06-2006 12:06 PM
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RE: Floating contacts bug with RDP
Well, this was done to make sure floating contacts are always shown on screenm even when the user changes his resolution. I'll see if I can improve that a bit.
[Image: signature2.gif]
07-08-2006 12:38 PM
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O.P. RE: Floating contacts bug with RDP
I can give some update on this issue. The "repositioning" of the floating contacts occurs when my home computer looses connection (and MSN signs in again!). There is no position change of the floating contacts when simply signing in to the already active desktop (meaning MSN was already running).

I have an idea about how to solve this, but I don't know how complicated it would be to implement that. Make floating contact positions relative to their nearest screen edge. That is, for contacts in the, let's say, lower right corner, their position would be relative to the lower and the right edge of the screen. All of this would only apply up to a certain distance from the edge, so that centered contacts are not affected. Next thing would be the "real time" update... maybe it is possible to do this position checking every time the desktop is redrawn (which should also be the case when someone signs in using RDP). That way, the floating contacts of the e.g. lower right corner reappear on their "correct" position if the screen is smaller than before... and also go back to their original position once the screen size goes back to normal... if it works that way, that is.
I hope this was understandable and gives you some clue as to how to improve the system :)
07-14-2006 06:21 PM
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