See subject header for main details!
Edited to help others in searching JUST IN CASE their 'My Received Folders' go missing!
I WAS running MSN messenger 7.5 with Plus installed (latest version prior to 'Live', whichever that was, can't now check, sorry!).
When I upgraded to Windows Live Messenger (WLM) not only did my contacts disappear (except for the people who suddenly BECAME contacts from my hotmail address book, which is one I don't actually most people?) BUT...I also LOST my 'My Received Files' folder COMPLETE with ALL files, music, photos and EVERYTHING sent to me, from (some current, but some now 'DEPARTED') contacts, collected from chats on Messenger 7.5 (with live installed)!!!
Rebooted.....contacts not back, folder not back!
After ANOTHER reboot, only the contacts added to messenger BEFORE plus were visible, but NONE that had been added SINCE installing Plus?!
Incidentally, the FOLDER (messenger 'My Received Files' was MISSING BEFORE I installed Plus (live version) but AFTER I upgraded from MSN to WLM.
I'm wondering if I should have UNINSTALLED Plus from the OLD Messenger, before upgrading to WLM and THEN installed the NEW version of Plus (Live) on top of WLM?!
For 'reference'....I was also running 'stuffplug as a plug in of Plus' at the time....sorry version unknown without searching and checking. If it matters....ask me, I'll try and find out!
PLEASE, has anyone else had this, or a similar problem and NOT just losing contacts, as that's apparently down to MSN servers and NOTHING to do with 'add ons'?
Microsoft DO state that 'add ons' could affect the 'contacts' list actually after installing WLM, its on their FAQ page. Tell us that AFTERWARDS! THX!
Does anyone know if MSN 'hides' a copy of the old style 'My Received Files' folder which appears to have been overwritten by the new style 'sharing folders' that I can squeeze out from under a stone/registry/hidden/system/anywehere ...... on my hard drive?...PLEASE!
EVERYTHING is missing, ALL previously received files through MSN 7.5 and contacts added since adding plus.....

! Don't think PLUS caused it, but wondered if anyone else had similar problem or any useful suggestions?
Running XP Pro, SP2, sensible machine, not quite out of the ark yet..... Dimension 8300, sufficient ram etc...uptodate drivers, JUST incase you need to know!?