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Poll: Add a field for a menu name of 'quick texts' (WLM)
Yes please, I also would like to see that
No, adding the 'quick text shortcut' in the menu will do
No, I am happy as it is
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Feature request: descriptive name tag for quick texts
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O.P. Undecided  Feature request: descriptive name tag for quick texts

I would like to see an extra text field for the 'quick text' definition, which can be used to enter a short descriptive name for the quick text. This descriptive name should then be used in the 'quick text' menu of a chat window (see attached screen shot). Just like you have a 'status name' field for a personalized status.

Reason is that I use the quick texts primarily to save these 'emoticon art' messages that contain nothing but a bunch of different emoticons, which all together show a picture or so.

In Messenger Plus! this quick text menu displayed the 'fast send shorcut' + the quick text. Based on the shortcut I could tell which 'picture' was involved. Now in WLM Plus! the menu only contains the quick text, and since that is only codes (see attached screen shot) I have no clue what it means.

Alternatively, adding the 'quick text shortcut' back in front of the quick text in the menu will also do :)

07-23-2006 10:15 AM
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Red Bull Racing Australia

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RE: Feature request: descriptive name tag for quick texts
Keep it as is. It is already simple and quick to use. Adding too many htings to it will then make it more complex and more comfusing for people who are computer illiterate.
Red Bull Racing Australia - Triple Eight Race Engineering - Holden
07-23-2006 10:31 AM
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