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Some important suggestions
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O.P. Wink  Some important suggestions
Some suggestions for features I would love to see in Plus! Live:
  • What mainly annoys me is the new WLM standard function to give your contacts own nicknames. Actually a nice thing, but the one for the older MSN Messengers from Plus! was a bit better, because there you could still look at the contacts' real names by just moving the mouse over them in the contact list and waiting a second. If you give someone an own nickname now, you can't see their real names just by moving the mouse over their names. Would be great if Plus! Live could fix this. (Y) :) And it would also be cool if their real names could also be optionally displayed somewhere in the conversation window. 8-|

  • And what would also be very important to me: In a conversation window, it has an information bar on top if the contact has a different status than online. But there is also always that stupid warning that he or she may not answer because of this and also the contacts' names that are always of a different lenght, and so the actual status is always on a different position and it takes some time to find it. I would love a fix for this so that there is only displayed the status of the contact and nothing else! ;)

  • I don't figure out why it is that way - but it is. In the contact list, you can change your personal message just by clicking on it and open additional options for it by clicking on the arrow. But your own name can't be changed that easily and clicking on your name and on the arrow has the same effect. Would be great if the name could also be changed there.

  • I believe to remember that I could activate the option to see all the contacts' display pictures in miniature beneath their status icon also in WLM's contact list once, but I couldn't figure out how to activate it again. Maybe someone can tell me how? And if it's not possible, it would be a great thing to be included in Plus! Live. (A)

  • The standard timestamps in WLM are too bad because they are standing after the contacts' names and don't include seconds. What about fixing this? :)

  • And what about oversized display pictures and emoticons? ;) But doesn't need to be done if the upcoming StuffPlug will include that, too.
Thanks for reading and hopefully including! (brb)

  • Oh, and what just came to my mind is that the monthly conversation archive folders are called e.g. "July 2006" if you let them save by date. I would find it better if they were called in the scheme of e.g. "2006-07 July" for a better sorting.

  • And a fix for the problem that while typing the :o) emoticon, instead it is <:o ) displayed, would be cool, too, since the WLM team doesn't seem to change this so soon.

This post was edited on 07-29-2006 at 10:33 PM by parabel.
07-29-2006 08:26 PM
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RE: Some important suggestions
I must agree on some of these :)

But there have been many requests already on some of these. :)

Originally posted by parabel
I don't figure out why it is that way - but it is. In the contact list, you can change your personal message just by clicking on it and open additional options for it by clicking on the arrow. But your own name can't be changed that easily and clicking on your name and on the arrow has the same effect. Would be great if the name could also be changed there.
That will be included in StuffPlug 3. :)
:plus4: Translation guidelines for Messenger Plus! Live
I'm no longer around this town, but I miss the community dearly. You can always find me lurking in #banana, or at
07-29-2006 08:42 PM
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thanx NanaFreak for ma sig and av

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RE: Some important suggestions
Originally posted by parabel

[*]I believe to remember that I could activate the option to see all the contacts' display pictures in miniature beneath their status icon also in WLM's contact list once, but I couldn't figure out how to activate it again. Maybe someone can tell me how? And if it's not possible, it would be a great thing to be included in Plus! Live. (A)

that can b done with mess-patch! there is alot more u can do with it but if i copy and paste the info the post will b too big! and ya cant copy da link to it coz it is all on 1 address

.zip File Attachment: messpatch-g4-80792v2(www.mess.be).zip (282.62 KB)
This file has been downloaded 185 time(s).

This post was edited on 07-30-2006 at 07:44 AM by hosey.
07-30-2006 07:40 AM
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