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Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
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O.P. Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
As we know, if we click the "close" icon on the top right corner of wlm,
it simply hides itself to the systray instead of exit.

I'm setting the trayicon to be "always hidden" in my WINXP as an anti-boss trick.
But everytime I need to get the main wlm windows back, I have to double click
on the trayicon. I wonder if at least I can make it in a single click, and it's much
better if I can call it back with a keyboard shortcut.
Does MP!L/mess patch/etc do
the job?
[Image: status2ftp]
08-31-2006 12:16 PM
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RE: Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
he's not using boss mode:p
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the game.
08-31-2006 12:42 PM
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O.P. RE: Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
Yes, not the boss mode problem, I'd like it pops out from the systray when I press some shortcut.

Isn't it handy when you don't wanna bother to move mouse and click?
It's can be better if the main window can be closed(hidden) by pressing
the "esc" key as the chat windows.
[Image: status2ftp]
08-31-2006 12:48 PM
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RE: Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
I'm sure theres something like that around somewhere..What about msgplus! messenger lock? I'm pretty sure you can hide messenger with that (like what you're using now) and you press a shortcut key(s) (like ctrl and s) to open it and the same shortcut to hide it?

*Forest wonders if he is wrong
08-31-2006 01:42 PM
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RE: Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
Create a shortcut to WLM, and then Right Click on it -> Propeties -> and there should be something about a hotkey to launch the application.
If you dont have polygamy enabled, and you press that shortcut, WLM will show up :)
If you have polygamy, then a new instance of WLM will open...
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08-31-2006 01:53 PM
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O.P. RE: Is there a shortcut to activate WLM from the systray?
Thanks Mike, it's an interesting idea and I've understood.
[Image: status2ftp]
09-01-2006 08:16 AM
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