Originally posted by admires
Migrating from Messenger Plus! 3 to Messenger Plus! Live, I noticed there you cannot insert more than 2 panels with emoticons that appear when you digit (. Is it rigth? Or is there a way to do it?
You can add as much panels as you which (well, I thing the max is 99 or something)...
Either click the dropdown arrow in that panel and select "
Quick Icon panel options".
Or go directly to:
Plus! > Preferences > Conversations > Quick Icons
There you can define as much panels as you like.
Originally posted by centerpresta
If I type ( in the first line, inside the message, the emoticons' panel appears right...
Btw, if continuous writing the message, or enter a new line ... even I press ( again the panel doesnt appear again!!! So, I cant select my emoticons that way.
Is this a problem, a bug... or its really works like that ???
Bug, and it will be fixed in next version as explained in recent thread:
"Icon panel bug".
(welcome, but always search forums first... and try to stay on topic