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Errors in translation
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O.P. Errors in translation

Is there a way to submit errors in the translations of the website? I've encountered some wrong translations in the dutch template, and I'd like to help.

[Image: timmie_loots.png]
09-04-2006 05:49 PM
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RE: Errors in translation
Yeah, write them in here.
09-04-2006 06:04 PM
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RE: Errors in translation
I'll move this thread to the Translations forum, but you can still post it here :)
09-04-2006 06:25 PM
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RE: Errors in translation
Good, so far I've found 3 errors in the Dutch translation:
  • On the features page:
    1. In the Custom Sounds section:
      De Aangepaste Geluiden functie brengt geluid in Messenger op een hoger nivo door gebruikers...
      where it should be:
      De Aangepaste Geluiden functie brengt geluid in Messenger op een hoger niveau door gebruikers...
      Also, the last part of the last sentence is kind of weird:
      ...maar als het maken van je eigen geluiden niet jouw ding is, je kan duizenden geluiden vinden in de online database of importeer ze vanaf sound packs.
      I think this sounds better:
      ...maar als het maken van je eigen geluiden niet jouw ding is, kan je duizenden geluiden vinden in de online database of ze importeren vanuit geluidspakketten.
      "Je kan" should be changed to "kan je", since there can only be one sentence part ("maar als het maken van je eigen geluiden niet jouw ding is,") in front of the conjugated verb. I understand that you can say "importeer ze" as a command, but it doesn't fit with the first part. Also, I think that "sound packs" can be best translated as "geluidspakketten".

    2. In the Colors, formatting and commands section:
      zoals vergedrukt, scheef, onderstreept en doorstreept
      I think you know what I mean. ;)

    3. In the Desktop Contacts section:
      Vergelijkbaar met ICQ van vroeger, je kunt de status van ieder contactpersoon die je maar wil op je desktop laten zien in de vorm van een klein scherm. Je kunt de schermpjes verslepen, berichten of links er naartoe sturen of bestanden er naartoe slepen om bestanden te (???)
      where it should be better:
      Vergelijkbaar met ICQ van vroeger, kan de status van iedere contactpersoon die je maar wil op je desktop laten zien in de vorm van een klein scherm. Je kunt de schermpjes verslepen, berichten of links er naartoe sturen of bestanden er naartoe slepen om bestanden te verzenden.
  • On the Goodies page:
    1. "Wallpapers" is best translated as "Bureaubladachtergronden". :)
  • will be updated when needed...
Any comments are more than welcome. :D

This post was edited on 09-06-2006 at 03:31 PM by Matti.
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09-06-2006 03:08 PM
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RE: Errors in translation
There are many more errors in the translation and I'm currently making a list of them to aid Menthix (the Dutch website translator, who did a hell of a job in a short time, despite the few errors!!! (y)).

However, some fixes aren't correct either though. eg:
Vergelijkbaar met ICQ van vroeger, kan de status van iedere contactpersoon die je maar wil op je desktop laten zien in de vorm van een klein scherm.
must be: "kun je de status..."

and "kan je duizenden" must be "kun je duizenden"...

Anyways, thanks for pointing them out! (y)(y)

Again, if it wasn't for Menthix, there wouldn't be a Dutch translation for the website atm, since I didn't had the time for it...

This post was edited on 09-06-2006 at 09:06 PM by CookieRevised.
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09-06-2006 09:03 PM
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RE: Errors in translation
Originally posted by CookieRevised
I'm currently making a list of them to aid Menthix
Thanks, I'll be waiting for that.

Thanks to the others pointing out errors too. I must admit I was a bit suprised to see the translation active on the live site already. Just noticed it a few moments ago :D.
Finish the problem
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09-07-2006 08:21 PM
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