Originally posted by xen0h
(topic title
yeah sorry bout that i didn't relised after i posted it
You can always edit your first post and change the thread's title.
Originally posted by xen0h
good point i was thinking for more like linking to shared folders containg all the pics in a series or something so like you click it and see the rest of them on a website or shared folder.
so say i went to a party i have a picture of the cake and when it gets clicked it opens the folder with the whole series of pictures.
or could it be done where a *.swf file is set as the display picture and when the picture is clicked ti goes to the next one?
Why not simply make a script which tells the contact the URL upon request.
Or even
simply put the URL in your nick or personal message, that's what they are there for...
Originally posted by xen0h
or could it be done where a *.swf file is set as the display picture and when the picture is clicked ti goes to the next one?
No. For starters you can't set your display picture to a SWF. Second, there is no way you can alter the Messenger of your contacts so when they click your display picture something happens.