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Not sure if it is a bug or not..
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Joker of Spades
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O.P. Not sure if it is a bug or not..
Alright, I've been having this problem a for a while now. So far it was happening with the latest version of Msn Live but it seems it still happens with Plus! Live. First of all, it takes several seconds to log me in, sometimes I even need to retry a few attempts after it says MSN was unable to log in.

Then after it does, it takes a good while to load all the online users, sometimes some dont even load. And when I get to that point, if I attempt to chat or something then the connection is lost. Yet, I know the connection is not lost because all my other applications continue working, I load the webpages within 2 seconds.

Another detail I have noticed is that if Im viewing the main window of msn and then I try to switch to any other window, the msn main window will remain there and so the only way to see the other windows is by directly minimizing the msn main window.

This problem also seems to happen with other versions of MSN except Web Messenger, would it happen to be that my account is hacked or something of the sort?

If anybody has a solution please let me know, Ive been trying to solve this for a long while, I have checked firewalls, browser settings, removed and renewed the versions of the msn but the problem persists.
09-06-2006 05:40 AM
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RE: Not sure if it is a bug or not..
All what you describe has got nothing todo with Messenger Plus! though.

Messenger Plus! is an addon for MSN Messenger which adds some extra features; you still use and chat with MSN Messenger itself. Messenger Plus! does not replace MSN Messenger.

The delays you experience are normal (well, that is if they aren't that long). Messenger never has signed in immediatly, it always take a few seconds. And depending on various things this can take up to 30second or so. For Windows Live Messenger this is 'normal'.

The same with loading your contact list. This is actually a new feature in Messenger. It loads the contact list from the cache (because that's quicker) and after that it requests and loads the contactlist from the servers if it can. Because of this you quickly see the contactlist appearing but it wont be filled in yet and/or you can't do anything yet. So it seems that there is a lag of some sort, but actually its just the contactlist (the window) appearing quicker as otherwise.

All this said, because you installed Messenger Plus!, it can take a tad longer longer to load all this as Plus! needs to load too of course. And depending mostly on how many scripts you have, this can take a second or two. But it shouldn't interfear that much with the overall load time at all.

Now, all this is speaking in a matter of seconds, no longer than 20-30 seconds at the upper most. If it takes longer there sure is something fishy (no offense CB :p) about it and the first indicates of this is:

The main window remaining when you switch to another messenger (so you use polygamy?) isn't normal. But again it is very very doubtfull that this has todo with Messenger Plus!.

If it happens with all versions of Messenger it surely indicates that there is more going on and that it certainly doesn't have todo with Messenger Plus!.

Check if you're not running some "internet security" tools or other tools which run in the background and may interfear with programs.

This post was edited on 09-06-2006 at 07:43 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-06-2006 06:27 AM
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