Did you used a command?... since it states that the parameter which you needed to give isn't between 1 and 10. So give a correct number (between 1 and 10)...
from the short help in the script database for Multiple Toaster:
Once this script is installed, in a message window type "/MultipleToast <NUMBER OF TIMES TO TOAST>" (without the quotes, and replace the number of times bit). This will activate a 5 second timer, which once up, will repeatedly set your status from online to appear offline, and back, at about .4 of a second per complete toast. For your contacts, this will pop up the 'such a contact has signed in' quite a few times, which can get quite annoying.
Use with caution, you don't want your friends to block you do you
. I advise only using this script if someone is really bugging you.
NOTE : There is a script called toaster spammer on messenger plus scripts database which was Originally by Helvio, modified by ben_b. I HAVE NOT COPIED BEN_B. My Intention was to make helvio's better.... which ben_b has beaten me to it... I actually admit BEN_B's upgrade is better, but, there again, this is my first ever script 
So there is also an alternative called
Toaster Spammer which does the same (but apparently better).
And then there is
HopperLive, a script which is the mother of all toasters if you like.
PS1: try to write in proper English, don't use slang, nor shortcut/text/sms-words. There is no character limit on a forum and reading shortcut/text/sms-words is hard.
PS2: Script questions should go in the Scripts subforum. I already reported the thread to be moved to there.
PS3: I almost would forget it: welcome to the forums