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Complaint about dlls and request
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O.P. Complaint about dlls and request
Hi guys

I've been here a couple of months and a lot of what I have learned and put into my scripts came from examples that I took from other people's scripts.

Last thing I wanted to do was have my script add someone to my list whenever someone added me. For which I was sent into packet sniffing. It turned out not to be such a huge task. I used xniff and looking at the data could eventually figure out how to do what I wanted.

My complaint is that all the time I took doing this could just be so easily avoided if (for instance convo notifier) some people didn't put stuff in dlls where we can't see the code.

Sure I respect that some people want us to go through the process and sure I understand some people want their code to be their own.

The code I used from Xniff is explicitly commented to show where I took it from. As far as I understand most people that send scripts here do not expect any kind of monetary return.. so making stuff in a dll with no code to show is like showing the candy to a hungry kid.

My request is that people keep sharing their finds so we all can script better/easier.

Please do not see this as an attack to anyone. Just my thoughts on sharing code and what I've seen in SOME threads here. Many people looking for stuff that's already been made but is not available.

09-13-2006 12:05 AM
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RE: Complaint about dlls and request
Reason why it is in a DLL is because it couldn't be done in a normal script.

This post was edited on 09-13-2006 at 02:45 PM by WDZ.
09-13-2006 02:23 AM
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RE: Complaint about dlls and request
Even if you did have the code, there is nothing much more you could do with Xniff. It's function is just to recieve packets sent to the system, and then to show you the information.

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Sig by pirateok/marisaok/marisa ;)
Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return

7012 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes, 25 seconds ago
09-13-2006 08:54 AM
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