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detailed timestamp in conversation window?
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O.P. detailed timestamp in conversation window?
Is there a way having a detailed timestamp like day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds, in the conversation window? I have tried searching the forums but I haven't found anything.

I am using Windows Live Messenger v8.0.0792.0 and Messenger Plus! Live v4.01.0.240

thanks in advance.

This post was edited on 09-18-2006 at 01:36 AM by braudrist.
09-18-2006 01:11 AM
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RE: detailed timestamp in conversation window?
If you mean before each message that is sent, then sorry but there isn't anything for that, but if you mean a timestamp simply in the conversation then a script has been released for that recently which puts the time zone in the conversation.

I know this isn't related to that, but I'm sure you could easily modify his code to have it so it's a timestamp with the date etc. in there.

[Release] Timezone v1.01.020

Other than that, no sorry.
09-18-2006 09:46 AM
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