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Replace headphone jack.
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O.P. Replace headphone jack.
Ok today my earbud jack broke off. It got caught in my pocket. Any ways I brought it home and stripped the wires. Then I cut another jack off some other crappy hardphones I had. I thought I would just join the wires and it would work but to my suprise it didn't. Has any one else done this before or does any one have any suggestions?
[Image: top.gif]
09-20-2006 08:15 PM
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RE: Replace headphone jack.
Originally posted by DJeX
Ok today my earbud jack broke off. It got caught in my pocket. Any ways I brought it home and stripped the wires. Then I cut another jack off some other crappy hardphones I had. I thought I would just join the wires and it would work but to my suprise it didn't. Has any one else done this before or does any one have any suggestions?

I'll venture a guess that one of the wires it coated to prevent short circuits. Can you post a picture of how you have it all wired up?
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09-20-2006 08:37 PM
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O.P. RE: Replace headphone jack.
[Image: headphoneii8.jpg]

Thats what I've got. I took it appart for you to see the wires better. Theres a bronze wire and a silver wire on each earbud as you can see. Now what I tried to do is twist the bronze wire and silver wire together to the new jack bronze and silver wires but no luck. I think I might have to scrape the bronze coating off?
[Image: top.gif]
09-21-2006 12:31 AM
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RE: Replace headphone jack.
I wouldn't know if they were coated or not, but (if you do get them working) they'll be better if you soldered everything (or get a friend to do it). Whack some heatshrink tubing over the join and it'll be sweet.
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09-21-2006 04:00 AM
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RE: Replace headphone jack.
There's some good info at http://www.headwize.com/faqs.htm...

Why can't I splice/solder/repair headphone cords from Sony (and some other brands)?

The wires in Sony headphone cords are insulated with a lacquer coating, which must be removed to make an electrical connection. Most low-wattage soldering irons are NOT hot enough to vaporize the coating. Here are some options:

- Dip the wires in alcohol and ignite with a match. The ignited alcohol should burn off the insulation. (Note: I have received email that merely heating the wires with a match or cigarette lighter (without any alcohol) works equally well.)
- Put the wires on an aspirin tablet and apply a soldering iron to the wire and aspirin until the aspirin melts. Aspirin is an acid that should dissolve the insulation.
- Try a high voltage soldering iron if available which will burn off the insulation while soldering
- Use a pocket knife to gently scrape off the insulation
- Dip the wires with a lacquer solvent until the coating dissolves

With any method involving a solvent, make sure there is adequate ventilation and avoid inhaling any vapors released by the process. After burning or dissolving the insulation, wipe the wires clean of any residue before soldering.
09-21-2006 04:19 AM
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