Originally posted by xsouldeath
well i have a pretty good script going..the only ppl who criticize it are 1) geniuses 2) people who expect the msn bot to autodownload multiplayer game hacks and download the game client too
how pathetic.
I'm sorry to say this but your script is far from "good".
And anybody who knows a little scripting (you don't need to be a genious for that) can see this in the source.
The idea behind the script is good and fun though

, but the code is far from it

. Hence why people suggest you to learn the basics and start with basic stuff before creating something like you created.
Again, this is not to put you down at all. This is to try and teach you to do stuff in steps and to hold you back a bit. Because it only seems you bluntly ignore the suggestions we gave and still continue to post about your bot and what new features it has and what not.
First fix even the basic stuff you have as even that is already flawed.
As it is know you only teach yourself the wrong stuff; you wont understand or can't fix the basic problems you have; and in the end you teach also other people who want to learn scripting very bad techniques and code.