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WLM Nickname - Settings nickname - Message //instead// of WLM Nickname - Message
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O.P. WLM Nickname - Settings nickname - Message //instead// of WLM Nickname - Message
In Messenger Plus, we could add the Plus! nickname with the Settings nickname to show up on the contact list, and now, if we add a WLM nickname, the Settings nickname disappears and we can't see it on the contact list.

Is there a way to go back Messenger Plus! style with the WLM Nickname, then the Settings Nickname and the message?


Also, is there a way, instead of using a WLM nickname in this style [c=#0080FF]Marc F.[/c], add a custom color (like we could do with Plus!)? Because this "discriminates" the contact list by color, as #0080FF are considered as characters.

Thanks for your answers.
10-04-2006 05:27 PM
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RE: WLM Nickname - Settings nickname - Message //instead// of WLM Nickname - Message
I think you are getting something confused here. Messenger Plus! and Messenger Plus! Live are ADD-ONS to Windows/ MSN/ Windows Live Messenger, and are not separate programs. Its like how lungs wont work without airpipes (MP! is the lung and MSGER is the airpipe).

Back to what you're asking...
Originally posted by Hur
In Messenger Plus, we could add the Plus! nickname with the Settings nickname to show up on the contact list, and now, if we add a WLM nickname, the Settings nickname disappears and we can't see it on the contact list.

...can you rephrase that? I don't really understand your comment.

Originally posted by Hur
Also, is there a way, instead of using a WLM nickname in this style [c=#0080FF]Marc F.[/c], add a custom color (like we could do with Plus!)? Because this "discriminates" the contact list by color, as #0080FF are considered as characters.

In a 'noob's' point of view, this will either take lots of coding, or simply cant be done. If you put something in front of the colour, it wont really make a difference.
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10-04-2006 07:37 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: WLM Nickname - Settings nickname - Message //instead// of WLM Nickname - Mess
Originally posted by NagamasaAzai
I think you are getting something confused here. Messenger Plus! and Messenger Plus! Live are ADD-ONS to Windows/ MSN/ Windows Live Messenger, and are not separate programs. Its like how lungs wont work without airpipes (MP! is the lung and MSGER is the airpipe).

Back to what you're asking...
Originally posted by Hur
In Messenger Plus, we could add the Plus! nickname with the Settings nickname to show up on the contact list, and now, if we add a WLM nickname, the Settings nickname disappears and we can't see it on the contact list.

...can you rephrase that? I don't really understand your comment.

Ok, let's take an example:
MSN+Messenger Plus! Nickname: Marc F.
WLM Nickname: Marc F.
Settings Nickname: >>m@rK<< plez tak a look at my website: google.com
Message: thanks lio i reily enjoyd it yesterday

On MSN+Messenger Plus!, contact list:
Marc F. - >>m@rK<< plez tak a look at my website: google.com - thanks lio i reily enjoyd it yesterday

On Windows Live Messenger+Messenger Plus! Live, contact list:
Marc F. -thanks lio i reily enjoyd it yesterday

That's the problem: when we set a WLM nickname, the settings name disappears and we can't see what they wrote on their Settings nickname, that means information, because people usually put messages on their Settings nicknames instead of in their Message.
That's why I ask if there's a way on Plus! Live to put the three elements, Nickname - Settings Nickname - Message back on.

Hope you can understand ;)

Originally posted by NagamasaAzai
Originally posted by Hur
Also, is there a way, instead of using a WLM nickname in this style [c=#0080FF]Marc F.[/c], add a custom color (like we could do with Plus!)? Because this "discriminates" the contact list by color, as #0080FF are considered as characters.

In a 'noob's' point of view, this will either take lots of coding, or simply cant be done. If you put something in front of the colour, it wont really make a difference.

About that, I was nearly sure that I was gonna get an answer like this that's why I hesitated to ask about it.
10-04-2006 09:45 PM
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