im completely new here.. i dont know if this sugestion are in other post or not.. im here only for make two suggestions for msg plus live
1. get back that function to block an entire group in msn... some times i need to block a big amoun of contacts.. and its hard to me to block 30 contact one by one.. this was a very usefull feature for some ppl.
2. to suggest if is possibly to add a function to change the nickname font? its a good idea.
quote:Originally posted by Hiusaki
1. get back that function to block an entire group in msn... some times i need to block a big amoun of contacts.. and its hard to me to block 30 contact one by one.. this was a very usefull feature for some ppl.
quote:Originally posted by markee
This is not available at the moment as Patchou has had great difficulty in getting the groups from Windows Live Messenger. Rest assured, as soon as Patchou finds a reliable way of going about this, it will be back in Plus!