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Advice Needed
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O.P. Advice Needed
Over the past two years, I have been dead set on going to college and majoring in business administration. Well over the past few months I've came to a halt with that decision. I've thought about it over and over, and I came to one conclusion. I honestly don't know what real business administration is. I don't know if that's what I should major in. The thing I want to do in life is to be a corporate manager for a corporation or a franchise. Does that mean I should go into business administration or something else?

To be more specific, what I'd like to do is manage a corporation. Meaning like manage all funding, help run local stores, do loads of computer work*, and all that good stuff. I honestly don't know if that's what business administration is.

What should I do?

*I left a star beside that because that's the major thing I'd like to do, is work with computers. I'd love to be a supervisor that deals with computers in general, mainly tech support or along those lines.
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11-09-2006 04:43 AM
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RE: Advice Needed
You'd love to do tech support?! :|

I think the best thing would be to actually ask your college as they know all the courses available and if you tell them what you want to do then it makes it a whole lot easier for everyone
11-09-2006 07:15 AM
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RE: Advice Needed

Hey, techsupport can be mucho fun if you're a second or thirdline person. Not the first one that gets the call, they only get the crap, down the line,  you get the more exciting problems the first line couldn't handle. 3rd is for the real techie guys.

I don't know either Sean, but you're young, so it doesn't surprise me that you're thinking about the choices you made before, and now the real choice is getting close, it's only good that you're thinking about it again.

Basically, there isn't a single course that instantly makes you a manager of sorts, because you also need the experience and build your network so you know the right people. Are you familiar with ITIL Foundation? You could be head of one of the seperate segregations meantioned and work on the ICT/Tech department of a larger corporation for example.
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11-09-2006 09:37 AM
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RE: Advice Needed
Let me tell you, the decisions you make now are definately not set in stone. When I was 16 I wanted to do nursing, then I wanted to work in Retail management, and now I'm going on to do an IT course.

Don't be scared to change your mind if you're not sure about what you want to do, you have plenty of time still.

This post was edited on 11-09-2006 at 12:09 PM by lordy.
11-09-2006 11:55 AM
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RE: Advice Needed
Sean, let me tell you about my experiences. I was in a similar boat when I was coming out of high school. I received the tech award at grad, and loved to fiddle with HW/SW (still do!). Anyway, I applied for a four-year computer engineering program at a university. First year was tough, lots of work and even more distractions, as I was living in residence. Second term, I failed one course, and was almost booted out. Retook the course in the summer, and went back in the fall for the second year. First term I failed miserably.
Why did I fail? Because I wasn't motivated to do the work. The majority of it focused around math and physics, which I had no interest in. So yeah, $20,000 down the drain.

This year, I applied for a two-year Computer Electronics Technician diploma program at a community college , and I am loving it. I have only one class that is not in a computer lab. Almost all of it is hands-on, and all of it is interesting.

The moral: Go to where your heart is. Shit happens. You can always change what you are doing if you don't like it (assuming you can still pay for it).

My advice would be to go and talk to someone else who is where you want to be. See what their education pathway was. Go talk to a career counselor, that's what they're there for.

This post was edited on 11-09-2006 at 01:12 PM by MeEtc.
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11-09-2006 12:49 PM
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RE: Advice Needed
I'm doing an A-Level in business, and it's made me think a lot about going into business, just do the course, the word business is vague, you learn a hell of a lot, and now i understand a lot to do with businses.

Just do the major.
11-09-2006 02:15 PM
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