O.P. [RELEASE]Pie-Block
Syntax: In your WLM conversation, type /rblock time (in secs) reason and it
will block them for the specified time, and unblock them after the specified
time is up. IE: My in a conversation with someone. /rblock 60 You have
spammed me. Blocked for 1 minute. It will block them, and after one
minute, they will be automatically unblocked. NOTE: If, say, you block
someone for 600 seconds, and logout after 300, they will remain blocked
until you manually unblock them. Thanks again to Alex for writing this, I am
posting this with his permission, for support, post here, and if it is
something I can not answer, I will relay the message to him.
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This post was edited on 12-19-2006 at 01:03 AM by mIRC Scripting.