Originally posted by conkerliam
hello there guys im new to this whole consept of scripts and stuff unfortuantly ive gotten many scripts that you must use the eg. /say or something like that and it would come up with an errror message of some so sort the command you entered was not recognised if this wasnt supposed to be a comand type //.
Have you please check is the setting is enabled? Go to Preferences > Conversations > Main and check that the option "Enable Commands (special messages beginning with "/")" is checked. If it isn't checked than that is your problem, if it was checked already then is there any other information you can give us to help us help you?
Originally posted by conkerliam
my msn thing the lettering for me only goes up to size 16 and its really small
I don't think this is possible, you could just try a different font that is bigger in size than you current.
Originally posted by conkerliam
he is using a scripts that his text fades from something like orange to blue or something i have figured out how to do this without a script yet it takes a while could some1 possibly link me to a script page that has this......
Have a try of
[Release] Message Customizer! Live (Gradient). It is one of my own scripts and I do realise it may be a little difficult to use, but in my opinion it is the best written colouring script avaliable.
Originally posted by conkerliam
btw how do i unlock mesanger im screwed i think =.=
This is a fairly commonly asked question, have a read through this answer that I searched for and you should be alright.
Originally posted by MattyRid
look for a new icon in your notification area (bottom right; by the clock). It usually looks like a grey disk with tubes/pipes underneath. If you hover your mouse over it, you will see 'Windows Live Messenger'. If you still can't spot it, here's how it should look like:
-- Double click this icon to bring your Messenger back. If that doesn't help hold "Ctrl" while you double click
Then go Plus! -> Preferences -> Messenger -> Messenger Lock and you can see the keyboard combination there.