it works... but only with one file
how do i do so it says the size of the whole folder?(fixed
it was only to change getfile to getfolder... but it says in byte
i want Kb how do i get is so?)(<--- that is fixed to
felipEx helped me)
want it to say numbers of lines in script to:/
Finished code for the size:
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var kb = fso.GetFolder("C:\\Program\\Messenger Plus! Live\\Scripts\\Bad Word Filter").Size/1024;
Debug.Trace(" -Bad Word filter is "+ kb.toString().substr(0, kb.toString().indexOf(".")+3 )+ "Kb");
>Bad Word Filter status:
-Bad Word Filter is 252.69 Kb
-Bad Word Filter has 528 lines
-Bad Word Filters outgoing filter is: Activated
-Bad Word Filters ingoing filter is: Deactivated
only the lines i need help with now
felipEx helped me again
it would be nice if someone helped me with the thing with how many files and folders it is in the mainfolder for my script... but it is not so important that the other things was