Hi all!
First of all I did a search of my problem on the forums looking if it was replied yet, but i didn't found anything.
I was using a previous version of Messenger Live but I had to update to a newer one by obligation as you now. (Note: the problem is with versions 8.1.xx and 8.5.xx)
I did a newer installation, deleting all the previous info on the registry and all the folders with info of the contacts list and another stuff. Some minutes after log-in into my account I can see how the use of my CPU is increasing up to 100%. Ctrl+Alt+Del. The process causing that is "System" (not confuse with System Idle process). With another task monitor called "Process Explorer" I found is caused by multiples access to those files:
C:\Documents and Settings\my_user\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts\my_mail\shadow\contactcoll.cache
C:\Documents and Settings\my_user\Contacts\my_mail\contactcoll.cache
That makes my computer go slow by the amount of access to those files.
I have to say I have about 850 contacts with that account (because I cannot delete anyone, but that's another problem). So I tried to log-in with another accounts (one with 200 contacts and another with only 10) and that never happens
And I also tried to log-in the huge account in another computer (better than mine) and happens the same
I have an XP2600+ 1GB Ram.
Any ideas?
Also any help about the deleting problem?
Thanks a lot in advance!